Sunday, May 29, 2022

Open social murder of citizens in one of the world’s wealthiest countries

Canada Takes BIG STEP Toward New Holocaust with Legalized Killings of the Poor

Canada is quickly becoming the modern-day Nazi Germany. I mean that. Step-by-step it is becoming a reality.

If I were a tyrant, I wouldn’t do everything all at once. I would gradually erode their rights away little by little. That’s what has been happening in Canada already since the pandemic, but now what their government is proposing is going way too far.

Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister and a member of the Liberal party, leagalized recreational marijuana through the Cannabis Act and banned assault weapons. Next year, the floodgates will open even further when those suffering from mental illness – another disproportionately poor group – become eligible for assisted suicide. It's cheaper than regular healthcare.

Since last year, Canadian law, in all its majesty, has allowed both the rich as well as the poor to kill themselves if they are too poor to continue living with dignity. In fact, the ever-generous Canadian state will even pay for their deaths. What it will not do is spend money to allow them to live instead of killing themselves. [the Spectator]

Canada's Right to Die Law


Anonymous said...

Our healthcare isn't that good either. It's managed. It manages to as little as possible unless you have unlimited funds.

Dan Volker said...

If someone wants to kill themself..and no friends or family want to prevent it...then the state has no business preventing it... Of course in the Authoritarian Socialist state of New York City...I can see them criminalizing suicide as it eliminates the tax revenue the state believes would be stolen from them by a suicide...and so for such a severe crime--(stealing from the authoritarians in control--the biggest criminals)...the penalty for this theft would be the Electric Chair, now powered by Solar -:)

Lynn Anderson said...

Government is there to protect citizens from violence and from the worst vicissitudes of life. It is not government's job to turn its back. One thing can lead to another and down the road the government could say all those over 65 can be "suicided." Nothing would surprise me the way things are going in our country.

Anonymous said...

With all the problems we have, I don't think we should be focusing on what they do in Canada. Canada is a Dominion of the Commonwealth. Let the Queen worry about it.

Lynn Anderson said...

@9:29---true but with socialism rapidly taking over some of our government decisions, it could come to us next.
It is important to note what our neighbors and countries in the world are doing that affect our freedoms.