Monday, May 23, 2022

Our "Leader" says "Expect violence"

SCOTUS Decision on Roe v. Wade on Monday… Biden Says Expect Violence

There is no doubt the violence will come from the left. It always comes from the left. I heard on Fox early this morning that the speculation is that the announcement will come today.

I suspect the vote will be 5-4 since Roberts will side with the far left justices. Then I suspect all hell will break loose. A pro-abortion group has threatened to burn down the Supreme Court building and murder the conservative justices and their clerks. Don’t doubt it. They already kill more than 600,000 babies a year. You can pretty much count on demonstrations and riots coast to coast even in states that will not be affected by the ruling.[UAF]

Read about it...


Anonymous said...

If there are riots, local police need to stop it.

Anonymous said...

Think they'll storm the US Capitol Building and kick the sheet out of the cops there to protect it?

Lynn Anderson said...

@8:26...Ask your "leader"
There was only one person who got killed at the Capitol by the police and she, an unarmed person, was shot to death. Cops came out unscathed.
Stop killing babies....

Anonymous said...

"Expect violence" says Brandon. Trump got crucified if he did not strongly and repeatedly admonish just about anything. As always, Brandon and the Left get a pass.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like El Salvador!

Anonymous said...

That's a pretty third world mentality.