Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Putting America First was harder than Trump ever realized

But it didn't matter. President Trump was elected to save America from the Swamp creatures who, as it turned out, were more powerful than even he realized.

After Years of Left's Allegations That Trump Used His Office to Enrich Himself...

We Have Our First Look at What the Presidency Did to His Finances

Throughout Donald Trump’s presidency, the left accused him of abusing his office to enrich himself. According to a new report, those accusations are far from the truth. But as we all know, the Left LIES! And now Biden is putting America LAST.

Forbes estimates that as of Monday, Trump’s net worth is around $2.5 billion. That is a $2 billion decrease from the time he announced his candidacy in 2015, according to Fox Business.

Since before the time he was even elected, Trump said his concern was for America and not his own profit and that, Democrats, is a fact!

Read about the truth

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