Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Washington D.C and Liberal "Leadership"

It should read: DEFEND THE POLICE

Planning For Violence: Cache of Weapons Found Hidden Along Street Near White House

“The protestors also climbed onto a historic building at the north end of Lafayette Park that was destroyed by arson days prior. Intelligence had revealed calls for violence against the police, and officers found caches of glass bottles, baseball bats and metal poles hidden along the street.”

This is OUR Capitol and these anarchist bums are destroying it. Thank God for Park Police in spite of D.C.'s terrible mayor who trashed the city's streets with BS propaganda right by the White House.

Read about it...


Anonymous said...

Right liberal leaders and liberal media. They had that funeral on TV for almost four hours this afternoon. Was it necessary to broadcast it on all the channels? He wasn't MLK or someone famous or accomplished. On the internet it said he had an arrest record, served prison time for drugs and theft and armed robbery and not sure what else. It wasn't like he had done that much with his life like MLK or someone accomplished. The murder by the cop was wrong, but to have to make him a hero and put him on TV and a big gold casket and all it seems a little too much for someone with his past. Our country seems really out of whack lately. My poor sister couldn't watch her soap opera today with that funeral all afternoon on TV. Crazy, can't they just report on it in the evening news?

Anonymous said...

What is very bothersome is that no one wants law and order anymore. God forbid you want our laws enforced and respected. It makes no sense, police are supposed to uphold laws and order, but today all these libs do not want enforcement of anything, yes, bring your dogs to the beach to sht all over, throw your cig butts all over, drinks in public, smoke pot in public, give attitude to the police, there just is no respect anymore for anything thanks to all these bleeding liberal sympathizers who just want anything goes, sure let all illegals just poor in to here. This country has gone to hell!