Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Bogus propaganda by the City of Lake Worth

Ballot measure seen as vital to Lake Worth Beach’s future

Melodramatic to say the least!

There is NO reason that anyone wanting to develop on the Gulfstream property can't build to 65 feet and make a profit. NONE. We have heard all the arguments for years--the developers "want" or "must have" an additional 20 feet. This is all a load of bogus propaganda.

The city, as well as its elected officials, continue to pull the wool over your eyes...they are capitulating to developers all over the city. They continue to roll over to all developers' desires and allow themselves to fall under and believe a form of developer coercion. There is still no guarantee that a hotel will be built there no matter what developers tell you. Until you see a contract between the seller (Hudson Holdings) and a buyer and that contract is contingent on building a hotel, then the Amendment #3 should be rejected.

Our lame duck commissioner gave his opinion: "If the measure is rejected, it’s likely that the developers won’t close the deal, leaving the hotel empty indefinitely." Hardy said this would result in the downtown area’s 'continued stagnation.' "It’s a no-brainer for me...this is a backward-or-forward moment, not just for the Gulfstream, but the city. This ballot item is a test for us. And I hope that we pass it.”

The continued "stagnation"of our downtown to which Hardy refers, is attributed to high rental rates. And, there are very few stores where people want to shop. We've been a city for over 100 years now, Commissioner, and we have been and are sustainable. "Moving forward" does not mean we have to change our LDR's and zoning for developers or knock down historic buildings.

Hardy is running for state representative and he will need developer campaign contributions--so will all our present commissioners down the road.




Unknown said...

People like you is one of the reasons that Lake Worth Beach can't move forward. How many companies are willingl to invest 100 million dollars to help the City? If this doesnt pass, then just let the Gulfstream fall down. Then you will be happy.

Lynn Anderson said...

People like me, who have lived here for decades, have an opinion that differs from yours.
My vote won't count on the city's give away to developers, unfortunately.
The developers can work within our ordinances and not to always build higher than our laws allow.
Now we, once again , give some fool what he wants.

Anonymous said...

Hey, tell developers to stay out of our town

Dan Volker said...

Lynn, I hate to disagree with you, but I would not want to own a hotel with the small number of rooms possible in the gulfstream WITHOUT the height increase... Even with all the extra rooms the height boost would give them, it would still be a hotel where Advertising costs are difficult to pay back with room revenue...most hotels need 4 times the ad cost returned to them in room/night sales, and these guys do not really have enough rooms to get this done easily, even with them at 100 % occupancy much of the year. Ultimately this was one of the reasons so many of the hotels on Singer Island went out of business...the ones with too few rooms just could not afford the cost of marketing any more. Lake Worth NEEDS the Gulfstream Hotel if it will ever want Tourism revenue..if it wants to be a tourism destination. With a tiny little hotel, it is going to fail.

Lynn Anderson said...

But Dan, on that vacant property they will build another building that will be an addition to the building already in place that they say is 87 feet. They plan on renovating the existing rooms making them larger, etc. What they lose in the old they will make up in the new.
I think their plan is to demolish this hotel and build new. They just want what they want.

Cheryl Stimvitch said...

Dan sounds like he knows what he's talking about plus I know that he lives in the city and cares about it. Those of us who live in the city know best what is good for our town. Thanks, Dan.

Lynn Anderson said...

Fake named Cheryl--
Dan has an opinion. He's entitled to it. He doesn't understand that developers don't need 87 feet and that they are still trying to grab our beach, just like before. Not only that, the 87 feet will snowball in the entire block and then move west.
On top of that, those of you who live in the town obviously are easy to convince...little sheep that go along with what this administration wants.
It will get voted in. Developers are making sure of it. Mailers galore, yard signs, etc. Sickening. There's a lot riding on this vote otherwise why would they be spending all that money. Our beach is still in this mix.
The regular people, who by the way already voted in height limits downtown that the city admin ignored, don't have a chance to compete against developer money and corrupt, greedy politicians.