Thursday, August 1, 2019

OANN issues Cease and Desist

MSNBC’s Maddow Hits Rock Bottom and Daily Beast writer hit with Cease & Desist Notice From One America News

Today, it seems that anyone can say anything about someone and the biggest lie gets a lot of media attention. There are so many brainwashed people in this country, that the lie sticks with many even with people who think they're a whole lot smarter than any Republican alive. Lots of arrogance in the Democrat party and the Fake News Media. Well, OANN has done something about it.

"The letters, which were sent last Thursday, allege that Maddow and The Daily Beast's Kevin Poulson alike defamed OANN by linking the network to the Russian government and, in the case of Maddow, decrying the network as ‘literally … Russian propaganda.'

One America News Network (OANN) demanded retractions from MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow and The Daily Beast’s Kevin Poulsen after both suggested links between the network and Russian propaganda."{Daily Caller]


Anonymous said...

As usual, the people who yell "snowflake!" are the biggest snowflakes.

Anonymous said...

Democrats suck. Have you watched the debates? Really amusing.