Monday, August 5, 2019

Mexico threatens Legal Action against the U.S.

Mexican Government Vows Legal Action Against US In Response To El Paso Mass Shooting

"The Mexican government on Sunday threatened legal action against the United States for its response to Saturday’s mass shooting at Walmart in El Paso, Texas that left 20 people dead, including six Mexican nationals.

Mexico’s Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard made the announcement in a video posted to Twitter, in which he expressed indignation for the mass shooting at the Cielo Vista Mall"

Hispanics make up nearly 80% of the total El Paso population.

Ya gotta be kidding...


Anonymous said...

can we suew them for the americans that have been killed by illigals from mexico

Anonymous said...

I think you should let your readers know, that El Paso was always Mexican. It's obvious that the white people who live there are aware that they are living in an area that was dominated by the Mexican people and culture.

Many white Americans have left the US and settled in Mexico, and many more spend the winter months there, opposed, for instance to Florida. How would you feel if the Americans living in Mexico were targeted for assassination by some crazy Mexican.

Try to have some sympathy for the Mexican people at this time, and give your radical tendencies a rest.

Lynn Anderson said...

@4:22--You "think?" I don't think you think at all.
Are you still fighting the Mexican/American War from 1846? God, get over yourself.
El Paso is nearly 70% Hispanic. And not too many WHITE American have settled in Mexico. They go there because its cheaper. They are Mexicans whose children were born here..Illegals. I looked it up--
From 2009 to 2014, 1 million Mexicans, including their American-born children, left the US for Mexico, according to the 2014 Mexican National Survey of Demographic Dynamics, cited by the Pew Research Center.

I'm not going to post your other two comments. Please, write your own blog with your liberal slant. No one here wants to read what you have to say, especially me.

Anonymous said...

You need to get out more Lynn. I know plenty of people who spend the winter months in Mexico, as well as Costa Rica and Panama. It might do you good to take a trip. Go to Copper Canyon, or the Panama Canal. It's no good trying to micro manage the entire country with your micro world view. Not everybody hates everybody like your audience.

Anonymous said...

4:22 how do we feel when Americans are killed while traveling foreign countries. Awful.

Lynn Anderson said...

@5:59--I'll leave traveling to the Laurel Decker's of the world. And you like to assume conservatives are haters when in fact it is just the opposite.
@6:25--Don't understand your question. These Hispanics lived in El Paso. They weren't traveling anywhere.

Anonymous said...

Let's sue El Salvador for MS13 crimes,wait..wait they're broke.

Anonymous said...

6:25 again, I wasn't clear, many tourists have died from tainted alcohol in the DR and there have been incidents in Mexico like the whole family died from a gas leak (no need to post this)

Anonymous said...

I understand what you're saying 7:14, and we blame the host country. Is it clear to everybody now, that the Mexican Government has a legitimate grievance, in expecting that the host country, (that's us) should take better care of people visiting from their country. The fact that they came over here to go to Walmart and were not here as tourists does should not obfuscate the issue.

Lynn Anderson said...

the Mexican government does NOT have a legitimate grievance.
These people LIVE and reside in El Paso.
Give me a freaking break, liberal.
We are NOT HOSTING them. They live here either as citizens, on visas or illegally. Probably a lot are of the latter.
We can't hold their hands while they are here.
Are you for real?

Anonymous said...

Fake News!

Anonymous said...

12:27 proof that liberals are suicidal.

Anonymous said...

If you listened carefully to the news, Lynn, a number of the people were shoppers from Mexico. They were here to take advantage of the savings Walmart offered in connection with the tax free savings for school supplies.

Lynn Anderson said...

@5:50...just Google it. Here, I will help you out. Do you trust NBC?

Anonymous said...

Lynn, why do you want to keep this up? We are all El Pasoans now.

Anonymous said...

No, we're all Daytonites, victims of political agendas, with good policing to protect us from Antifa.

Anonymous said...

Is it possible that you could be both? This post was about El Paso. Of course we are all Daytonians.