Saturday, August 3, 2019

Laura Loomer, Republican Activist, announces for Lois Frankel's seat

Laura Loomer announces 2020 congressional bid against Frankel

Lois Frankel did not have one challenger in 2018. Now she will for the 2020 election.

There are already three excellent challengers who have stepped up to the plate to challenge Frankel. Christian Acosta, Michael Bluemling, Jr and Victor Garcia Da Rosa. And I just heard there are three other Republican Primary candidates. Fearless Loomer makes it seven. What she has going for her is name recognition for standing up for her beliefs. Democrats hate her guts.


Anonymous said...

I think once most sane voters see videos of Loomer handcuffing herself to Twitter's HQ or her hitting on a white nationalist in NY bar or her trespassing on Pelosi's front lawn, I think they'll know what they're dealing with. She'll still get the Roger Stone/Milo Yiannopoulos/Alex Jones vote...but the serious people will move on.

Anonymous said...

She sure is fearless I agree. She was really something when she spoke at Atlantis.

Lynn Anderson said...

Laura definitely has her own style--she's young (26) and a right in your face kind of gal. She has brought attention to the corruption and hypocrisy in the Democrat party and got a lot of headlines doing so. Remember that saying, "There's no such thing as bad publicity." What hasn't worked for Republicans in PBCounty is doing things the same old way and playing "nice."

Anonymous said...

This is nothing more than the Red version of AOC and the Squad. The Tea Party almost destroyed the Republican Party and handed Obama the White House.
Bad idea here.

Tony said...

Laura definitely is fearless or shameless, depending how you look at it, but she comes off looking weird and, quite honestly, almost mentally unfit. She needs to dial it back a bit if she really wants to be a serious candidate. I'll be looking to vote for Christian Acosta.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure of much, but one thing I am sure of is that that whack job is not going to replace Lois in Congress. She belongs in an facility for the criminally insane. I'd love to hear what they say about her in her extended family. What fool is going to finance that campaign?

Anonymous said...

If you were looking for a consensus here Lynn, I think you've got it.

Anonymous said...

Looks like she made up that little flyer for herself: How Cute!

Maybe she can open up a lemonade stand to finance her campaign.

Lynn Anderson said...

@1:29--It's politics. I"m not looking for anything other than to announce she is running.

Anonymous said...

We need most to be rid of the corrupt Lois, a copy of Hillary.

Anonymous said...

So you would rather have a crazed lunatic. Give her time, she'll exceed even my wild expectations.

Anonymous said...

We already have a crazed, over ambitious lunatic, this one won't make it, but we need someone honest.

Lynn Anderson said...

@3:07..Who is the "crazed, over ambitious lunatic" to which you refer?