Monday, July 8, 2019

Save our Neighborhoods from ADU's

The proposed ADU ordinance by Commissioner Omari Hardy allowing Accessory Dwelling Units (rental units) on every residential lot would effectively change the zoning of all single family residential (SFR) neighborhoods to multi family residential in Lake Worth Beach.

This would double or triple the number of homes, people, cars lining the streets, garbage and crime in every existing single family neighborhood. The enormous increase in home density would have a devastating effect on the community, environment, aesthetics and property values of our existing Lake Worth Beach single family homes.

Sign the Petition


Anonymous said...

I'll sign that

Anonymous said...

Has Omari Hardy ever heard anything about the sex trafficking market ? The pro's won't have to walk Dixie anymore. Johns can come and go . This goes against EVERYTHING PBSO has always told us about keeping our neighborhoods safe-how can we watch out for our neighbors when we won't even know who they are???? In short- this sucks and will destroy the neighborhoods we have been fighting for.
Katie Mcgiveron

Anonymous said...

I'll sign it, but not on-line. Is there a physical location I can go to, or a phone number.

Anonymous said...

It looks like Omari has become your worst nightmare Lynn? Does he really care about the quality of living for the owners here?

Lynn Anderson said...

@1:16--at the moment, what he wants for our city IS a nightmare.

Lynn Anderson said...

@1:19--What's the fear?

Anonymous said...

Hope the people who voted for this guy are real, real happy.

Anonymous said...

if 1.19 wants to sign in person why not.everything is not computer friendly.look at rivera

Lynn Anderson said...

@6:27...I am disappointed, extremely so, in Omari's instance on ADU's. We can't agree with anyone on everything. There is always something that opens your eyes and if someone is taking us down a path to what I feel will ruin our city, then I am against him on this and will say so.

Anonymous said...

Voted for him but don’t agree with his stance on this someone is urging him To push this no logic in planning this towns future. Mr Hardy has bigger political plans, podunk Lake Worth is a stepping stone.

Anonymous said...

Done! Jeez, I already have 2 neighbors’ cars parked in front of my house. Okay, that’s legal as I don’t own the street. With cottages, will I have to have my guests park at the Winn Dixie plaza just over the canal and Uber to my place lol!!

Anonymous said...

not for this.if all propertys are rezoned whats that do to taxes.up?????

Anonymous said...

This is really the final insult to our way of life. Certainly in Lake Worth, but in the whole country. The group of people who thought this up, are as bad as the Epstein folks. It's the rape of the neighborhoods. The filth that must reside in the mind of a human who would sponsor such an obscene proposal is beyond my ability to comprehend. The Road to Perdition awaits these fiends!