Saturday, May 4, 2019

Renegade State: California

The four families of California and the private company that controls the Internet


Lynn Anderson said...

No wonder the state is so fu*ked up.

Anonymous said...

that was a very cool video

Anonymous said...

Explains everything.

Dan Volker said...

Good video....But with the InfoWars logo on it, no Democrat would ever watch it...and even among us that are conservative, it is like reading the National Enquirer was 30 years ago - back when there was "real news" and there was the National Enquirer. Now the National Enquirer has as much status as true news as does CNN....and InfoWars is the crazy conspiracy news where as a blind squirrel, once in a while they find a nut ( come out with a big and true story way ahead of all the other news services....) ... But usually they are firing blindly from the hip, and pushing dubious self branded products. I see their headline blurbs, and sometimes can't help watching them...but when they are good you really wonder how you can share it without getting laughed at :-(

Lynn Anderson said...

I like InfoWars.
And who's laughing?