Friday, May 17, 2019

Insurrection Act

It’s looking like President Trump will use the “Insurrection Act” to kick illegal aliens out of the United States of America.

Read about it...


Anonymous said...

Okay he can start with the ones that are coming here.

You called me a RINO in a previous comment. That’s okay- I’m an independent on the conservayside, and I still think
what Trump did in Scotland was wrong. ‘Nuff said.

Anonymous said...

How can he kick them out, and let them in at the same time? It's all hyperbole!

Anonymous said...

1:20 thank the Democrats of Broward and Palm Beach counties who refused to work with Trump to close our borders to criminal illegals.Now you get to see what "no crisis " really means Haha! When thousands of homeless illegals pollute our streets-thank a democrat who welcomed them to our welcoming county