Mark Cuban: Nobody Can Beat Trump in 2020

“Politicians are the least trusted of every profession. If you look at why people voted for Donald Trump, in my opinion, first and foremost it was because he wasn’t a politician.”
Mark Cuban
Owner of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks, star of the hit show Shark Tank, and billionaire businessman
And Mark Cuban is NO fan of Trump.
I thought Cuban was going to run agaist PRESIDENT TRUMP to stop him.what happened
President Trump will run again and many will vote for him, predict 65% or more, most do not want all this chaos more in the USA, most want law and order and they are fed up with the waste, abuse, illegals causing chaos, and the other elected never doing anything, so we agree our president will win!
It's a horse race. You can predict all you want to, but nobody can see into the future.
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