Sunday, February 17, 2019

Richard Guercio - Lake Worth First

Richard Guercio, candidate for District 4 Commissioner Lake Worth

Last evening I attended a Meet & Greet at Gwen and Michael's house on N. Golfview. It was great talking with Richard about his view for our great little city. Primarily I wanted to hear his thoughts on the issues near and dear to my heart:
  • Changing the name of our city: He believes there is a better way to separate us from crime stats that are being attributed to us when in fact they are happening out of our city limits. He is working with the United States Postal Service to remove Lake Worth from all zip codes outside our borders. On top of that, Lake Worth has been our name for 106 years. We should be embracing and honoring our history.
  • Our Pool and Beach park: He does not want to sell our assets at the beach or make it private but believes a public/private partnership is necessary that will be responsible to maintain our most important asset. He talked about including a parking decal to pool members, a separate pass from residents' decals.
  • Our Golf Course: Wants to maintain it and make it a great course once again. It's a beautiful asset on the Intracoastal waterway...something we must cherish and preserve.
Of all the candidates, Richard is the most qualified to be a policy maker for our city. He believes that the present dais is dysfunctional with commissioners having personal agendas. He wants to bring professionalism back to the city. You and the city are his only priorities. Lake Worth First is the motto.

Any questions, please call him at 561-329-6961 or reach him on Facebook.


Anonymous said...

I like the motto

MLWGA said...

Make Lake Worth Great Again by changing its name to Lake Worth Beach. The true Lake Worth residents live close to the beach but the visitors live next to lakes out west. Good for them. As guests, they can continue to call their town Lake Worth while Lake Worth residents will call ours Lake Worth Beach. What LWB residents should the think about is setting up toll booths that collect money from those vistors out west. You want to use our pool? Fine. Pay up. You want to use our beach? Pay up. You want to walk our downtown and shop in our stores? Good. Pay up. Maybe that would keep them outta here and cut down on their whining and complaining about the way we chose to live our lives.

Lynn Anderson said...

What are you doing to win this thing? Not one candidate has knocked on my door.

Lynn Anderson said...

No one is a "guest" as they spend their money in our city. We survive on tourism as well as visitors from other cities as does the entire state of Florida.
Those using our beach DO pay up every time they put money in the meter...every time they spend money at the casino or our pier.
You want our downtown to completely dry up?
Sure hope this isn't Tom.

Anonymous said...

don't know who 3-01 is but stop speaking for us.must be a new comer who thinks people should think his way.sounds like a dem who wants to destroy everything good.another fonneywith his head up his ---.

Anonymous said...

I just voted for him!

Anonymous said...

3:01pm the dumbest post seen here, the way you "choose" to live your lives? Try choosing work and decency.

Anonymous said...

That is a good motto!

Anonymous said...

3:01 shop WHAT stores? Kava? Tatoo?

Lynn Anderson said...

will get to the Beach clb tonight and listen to the candidates.