I have to say, I would be thrilled to meet one of the antifa or militant socialist types we hear about in Berkley or other sh*thole sanctuary for this ilk to attack America from. My biggest gripe about my conservative friends is that they are so passive and apathetic, and so easily able to dismiss such severe threats to American culture as globalism, socialism, and muticulturalism. Too bad we can not spread the true history of the last 200 years, without the lies and spins on it by the Democratic Socialists and globalists that control the media (because of our apathy). What is happening in America now, has happened to hundreds of Democracies before us, which of course is why the founding fathers made America a Republic, knowing the futility of true democracies and how quickly they decay into socialism and then tyranny ( think Bernie Sanders and AOC as a real threat pathway for this).... This is well summed up by the following discussion: Thomas Jefferson’s assessment of this technique:
Even under the best forms of Government, those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.
Mister Jefferson was a true visionary. He knew, even as he was penning the Declaration of Independence and portions of the Constitution, that his proclamations, even if they were accepted by his fellow founding fathers, would not last. He recommended repeated revolutions to counter the inevitable tendency by political leaders to continually vie for the removal of the freedoms from their constituents.
Around the same time that Mister Jefferson made the above comment, Alexander Tytler, a Scottish economist and historian, commented on the new American experiment in democracy. He’s credited as saying,
A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.
So, was each of the above gentlemen throwing a dart at a board, or did they each have some kind of crystal ball? Well, actually, neither. Each was a keen student of history. Each knew that the pattern, by the end of the 18th century, had already repeated itself time and time again. In fact, as early as the fourth century BC, Plato had quoted Socrates as having stated to Adeimantus,
Tyranny naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery comes out of the most extreme form of liberty.
Today, much of what was called the “free world” only half a century ago has deteriorated into a combination of residual capitalism, which has been largely and increasingly buried by socialism and fascism. (It should be mentioned that the oft-misinterpreted definition of “fascism” is the joint rule by corporate and state—a condition that’s now manifestly in place in much of the former “free” world.)
Today, many people perceive fascism as a tyrannical condition that’s suddenly imposed by a dictator, but this is rarely the case. Fascism is in fact a logical step. Just as voters succumb over time to the promises of socialism, so a parallel decline occurs as fascism slowly replaces capitalism. Fascism may appear to be capitalism, but it’s the antithesis of a free market. As Vladimir Lenin rightly stated,
Fascism is capitalism in decline.
Comrade Lenin understood the value of fascism for political leaders. Whilst he retained a close relationship with New York and London bankers, and a healthy capitalist market was tapped into for Soviet-era imports, he was aware that his power base depended largely on denying capitalism to his minions.
----rest continued in next post due to character limits on the blog --
So, from the above quotations, we may see that there’s been a fairly erudite group of folks out there who have commented on this topic over the last 2,500 years. They agree that democracies, like sandcastles, never last. They generally begin promisingly, but, given enough time, any government will erode democracy as quickly as the political leaders can get away with it, and the progression always ends in tyranny.
We’re presently at a major historical juncture—a time in which much of the former free world is in the final stages of decay and approaching the tyranny stage.
At this point, the process tends to speed up. We can observe this as we see an increase in the laws being passed to control the population—increased taxation, increased regulation, and increased promises of largesse from the government that they don’t have the funding to deliver.
When any government reaches this stage, it knows only too well that it will not deliver and that, when the lie is exposed, the populace will be hopping mad. Therefore, just before the endgame, any government can be expected to ramp up its police state. The demonstrations by governments that they’re doing so are now seen regularly—raids by SWAT teams in situations where just a small number of authorities could handle the situation just as well. Displays of armed forces in the street, including armoured vehicles, in instances of disruption.
In London, Ferguson, Paris, Boston, etc., the authoritarian displays have become ever-more frequent. All that’s now necessary is a series of events (whether staged or real) to suggest domestic terrorism in several locations at roughly the same time. A state of national emergency may then be declared “for the safety of the people.”
It’s this justification that will assure the success of tyranny. Historically, the majority of people in any county, in any era, choose the illusion of safety over freedom. As John Adams was fond of saying,
Those who would trade freedom for safety will have neither.
From this point on, it would be wise for anyone who lives in the EU, US, UK, etc. to watch events closely. If a rash of “domestic terrorism” appears suddenly, it could well be the harbinger that the government has reached the tipping point—when tyranny under the guise of “protecting the safety of the people” is inaugurated.
The most essential takeaway here is that, although some may object (even violently), the majority of the people will trade their freedom for the promise of safety.
Reprinted with permission from International Man. < https://www.lewrockwell.com/2017/09/no_author/decline-democracy-tyranny/ >
Hey Dan....I know you posted this with the intent of attacking Democrats otherwise Lynn probably would have deleted it. But I think it makes a fine argument for reigning in Trump. From "the rise in domestic terrorism" to declaring a "national emergency" for the safety of the people...I mean, America led by Trump is following the script.
The problem may be that those who feel they have an awareness of such matters and would be alert to these changes are convinced that it only happens when "the other party" is at the controls.
Beware, it's happening now and the current administration is following Jefferson's script, whether you fully realize it or not.
First, I do not think it is a good thing to have people from Lake Worth posting anonymously. But that is a different posting topic Lynn should develop some day... :-) But your point is important to discuss. In Fact, Trump is doing what the framers of the constitution were hoping would happen as a reaction to the Democratic Socialist party having taken over the media and trying to flood future elections with non-American illegal votes for democratic socialism. The founders made a huge point that the Republic would have to be fought for constantly by the people, to prevent Government from trying to tax the country into "prosperity", and the historic course of having a democracy degrade into socialism, as Hillary would have, and AOC, and Bernie Sanders would love to do. Trump is a metaphor for the will of the Americans that voted for the MAGA platform. This platform absolutely spelled out the NEED for the Wall, the need for ending "Illegal" immigration ( while Legal immigration is considered to be healthy, as long as the immigrants embrace assimilation into the American Culture. MAGA also personifies a believe that multiculturalism is a pro-socialist and pro-globalist tool to damage the American culture, and it needs to be fought by each of us, along with political correctness. Trump was the ONLY person willing to do what the voters of America wanted--this being to push the MAGA platform, regardless of personal repercussions such as the democratic socialists have been attacking any Trump allies they can with.
I would say that any person in Lake Worth that declares that there is no National emergency at the southern border, is either a liar ( meaning they have been to the border, talked with the landowners and know the truth--but hate that it goes against democratic socialist future voting agendas)---or, this person would be blindly following the propaganda machine of the democratic socialist party - the NY Times, the Washington Post, CNN and ABC/CBS/NBC news....or listening to the disgusting hypocrites in Hollywood living in 30 million dollar homes, sporting huge walls and security staffs with guns--all the while screaming how immoral the Wall is. We are being invaded -- as is Europe, and we risk losing our culture and giving America over to the control of the Globalists. The reality is, Americans need to wake up to this, and get involved at the level of their own Townhalls...because only at this level can you create a functional reaction to these threats...and then we must get our friends in other towns to become active as well. The sickness of having 20 and 30 year or lifelong politicians in federal government, pretty much underlines the impossibility of working through such life-long parasites and their power and greed. At the Town level, we can push truth and common sense. And....We should be discussing this in person...and that includes both You and I. :-)
Hey Dan...well, this is great. Someone who is far right AND willing to discuss things here on the blog. Lynn usually deletes any comments that provide facts that are contrary to her posts or she just says I'm a socialist before telling me to take a hike...so it's kind of refreshing to find someone here who can put a paragraph or two together.
I'm just going to post this before I address some of your more extreme views and see if Lynn lets it through. If she does, then if I don't respond to one of your comments, it's because she's deleted it.
@3:09- Trust me when I say to you your post was not posted here because of your ridiculous challenge to me. I want you to know and understand this--comments will not be posted when they are lies or when they are personal attacks against this blogger or others that cannot be proven or against the policy of this blog. If you want to write your own blog, go for it. In the meantime, rules are followed here. I know liberals don't like to follow rules. This is an opinion site but it is MY opinion. Next, I don't appreciate your attack against Dan. I don't appreciate anything you wrote. We shall see if Dan takes the bait from someone who posts ANONYMOUSLY and therefore has zero credibility. Why should he waste his time?
You could have read all of this with fewer words in the Discourses of Livy by Machiavelli! And to quote The Ancients: "There is nothing new under the sun."
Posting as "anonymous" is gutless and meaningless. It means you are a non-person. If you truly believed in your own message and in it't importance and truth, you would use your real name. Anonymous posters are weak minded cowards. Post by your own name, meet people in person, and be what you could be. I will respect that.
Hey Dan...not sure if Lynn is going to let this comment through but she deleted my last one here so I'm not going to waste my time. I can see myself writing a few paragraphs and her taking offense and deleting the whole thing so...I'll let you know when we can meet in town and talk without Lynn screwing things up. Is during the week good for you?
Lanny, email me at dan@sfdj.com I can do coffee any day this week....maybe we go to Common Grounds coffee by the Bamboo Room. I see you think I am far right, and I am guilty of making a snap judgement that you are a socialist....I do think you said as much, but this could have been a "word for an effect" more than for reality.... As to the reality, I do not think the phrase "Far right" is useful or conveys any semblance of what I believe. The labels "Conservative" or "liberal", supposedly less obscure, don't even reliably mean much either unless in a specific context.....In 1970, in Russia, a "Liberal" there would have been close to a Conservative today. A Democrat like JFK in the 60's would be a conservative today. A liberal today could be so many things it is almost a useless phrase. To me there are several key issues, and they mean far more than news media words like Right or left.
There is the build the wall issue, the why or why not. This is an America issue, versus a globalist perspective....
There is an issue about whether people that are lazy and / or without skills, should have much the same "Lifestyle" as people that work very hard, that were fortunate to get the right opportunities, and turned these opportunities into high income and good lifestyles. Much of the right opportunities comes from networking and peer groups, so not as much of a "not my fault" issue as most unemployed or poorly employed want to pretend it is...but this is a big issue, as it relates to past American culture and the ideas of winning and losing, of skills being good or bad, and of merit based pay...all of this versus a socialistic concept where skills and work output mean nothing toward income or lifestyle, and ignores the obvious reaction of the "highly skilled" when they see they are being stolen from by the socialist system--and they LEAVE or cease working, as in the Atlas Shrugged movie....which you should watch for a rare media perspective on this vision. In nature, a bird takes care of it's own hatchlings with it's own work product, and does not normally share equally with the hatchlings of other birds, though there are some populations of penguins where there is some common care...the point is that the Family comes first, that is where Nature put's your primary duty...it is how your genes get the opportunity to do well in future populations and evolution. Remove the work product differences in a population, and you remove nature and the system will fail. Personally I would leave America if it became socialist, in an AOC or Bernie Sanders sense, as it is immoral to me to put people you do not know as equally important as family and close friends--for distribution of my work product.
And I think we should discuss MAGA....who does this represent, who does it hurt, why do we have it, and what are the alternatives?
The answers to these issues are what is meaningful, not whether one of us wants to call themselves far right or far left. And again, the semantics are crazy...some people will call skin heads and Nazis "far right" - and these are people I would enjoy beating to a pulp for the pure entertainment value of it. And to me, a NAZI is a democratic socialist that uses the Jews and race as scapegoats for their own failures. They don't believe in free speech, they are cowardly bullies, and they are the worst of the right and of the left. In the spirit of this, let's worry more about the big issues, and last thing on the agenda can be the semantics we use afterwards :-)
I didn't write the book Dan; Machiavelli did. He can't post in his own name, because he died a few hundred years ago. For an individual to air his own opinion, and such a long opinion without attribution, is arrogant. Why should anyone take seriously, anything you say. I don't know you from a newel post. The fact remains, that if Americans had any education, they would know all of this already!
As far as posting anonymously, that is what keeps blogging alive. It's to air your opinion, not a dating service.
@12:47--there is no way you will be able to debate these issues with Dan Volker. You won't show. Everyone can take that to the bank. Dan is posting under his REAL name and provides his photo. What do you provide other than sarcasm. If you were twice as smart as you are, you’d be half as smart as you think you are.
Dan...thanks for you email. I'll be in touch. As long as you don't let Lynn know when we're meeting I'm cool with it. She's...how can I say...a "little uncomfortable" to be around.
Until then, my "extreme right" perception comes, in part, from your assessment that America is currently being "invaded," your use of the term "globalist," your embrace of Ayn Rand, and your failure to recognize Democrats intense efforts in the last 5 years to increase security at our SW border and Republican's obstruction.
Hopefully, you're not aware of the derogatory nature of the word "globalist" by many. You seem to like a lot of words so this Atlantic article explaining it's use is here:
Lanny, I look forward to speaking in person, and I am fine with not publicizing when we talk :-) As far as the semantics....let's not get to worked up over words that the media and politicians on both sides use for agendas that are far more involved than our interests are....Let's hit the real issues, and then decide if there is better language to describe key issues.
Who are the Lake Worth socialists? I want to know!
The Kava and vape crowd.
All those who voted for Bernie in 2016 and probably one-half of the LW Democratic club members. :)
I have to say, I would be thrilled to meet one of the antifa or militant socialist types we hear about in Berkley or other sh*thole sanctuary for this ilk to attack America from. My biggest gripe about my conservative friends is that they are so passive and apathetic, and so easily able to dismiss such severe threats to American culture as globalism, socialism, and muticulturalism. Too bad we can not spread the true history of the last 200 years, without the lies and spins on it by the Democratic Socialists and globalists that control the media (because of our apathy). What is happening in America now, has happened to hundreds of Democracies before us, which of course is why the founding fathers made America a Republic, knowing the futility of true democracies and how quickly they decay into socialism and then tyranny ( think Bernie Sanders and AOC as a real threat pathway for this).... This is well summed up by the following discussion: Thomas Jefferson’s assessment of this technique:
Even under the best forms of Government, those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.
Mister Jefferson was a true visionary. He knew, even as he was penning the Declaration of Independence and portions of the Constitution, that his proclamations, even if they were accepted by his fellow founding fathers, would not last. He recommended repeated revolutions to counter the inevitable tendency by political leaders to continually vie for the removal of the freedoms from their constituents.
Around the same time that Mister Jefferson made the above comment, Alexander Tytler, a Scottish economist and historian, commented on the new American experiment in democracy. He’s credited as saying,
A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.
So, was each of the above gentlemen throwing a dart at a board, or did they each have some kind of crystal ball? Well, actually, neither. Each was a keen student of history. Each knew that the pattern, by the end of the 18th century, had already repeated itself time and time again. In fact, as early as the fourth century BC, Plato had quoted Socrates as having stated to Adeimantus,
Tyranny naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery comes out of the most extreme form of liberty.
Today, much of what was called the “free world” only half a century ago has deteriorated into a combination of residual capitalism, which has been largely and increasingly buried by socialism and fascism. (It should be mentioned that the oft-misinterpreted definition of “fascism” is the joint rule by corporate and state—a condition that’s now manifestly in place in much of the former “free” world.)
Today, many people perceive fascism as a tyrannical condition that’s suddenly imposed by a dictator, but this is rarely the case. Fascism is in fact a logical step. Just as voters succumb over time to the promises of socialism, so a parallel decline occurs as fascism slowly replaces capitalism. Fascism may appear to be capitalism, but it’s the antithesis of a free market. As Vladimir Lenin rightly stated,
Fascism is capitalism in decline.
Comrade Lenin understood the value of fascism for political leaders. Whilst he retained a close relationship with New York and London bankers, and a healthy capitalist market was tapped into for Soviet-era imports, he was aware that his power base depended largely on denying capitalism to his minions.
----rest continued in next post due to character limits on the blog --
So, from the above quotations, we may see that there’s been a fairly erudite group of folks out there who have commented on this topic over the last 2,500 years. They agree that democracies, like sandcastles, never last. They generally begin promisingly, but, given enough time, any government will erode democracy as quickly as the political leaders can get away with it, and the progression always ends in tyranny.
We’re presently at a major historical juncture—a time in which much of the former free world is in the final stages of decay and approaching the tyranny stage.
At this point, the process tends to speed up. We can observe this as we see an increase in the laws being passed to control the population—increased taxation, increased regulation, and increased promises of largesse from the government that they don’t have the funding to deliver.
When any government reaches this stage, it knows only too well that it will not deliver and that, when the lie is exposed, the populace will be hopping mad. Therefore, just before the endgame, any government can be expected to ramp up its police state. The demonstrations by governments that they’re doing so are now seen regularly—raids by SWAT teams in situations where just a small number of authorities could handle the situation just as well. Displays of armed forces in the street, including armoured vehicles, in instances of disruption.
In London, Ferguson, Paris, Boston, etc., the authoritarian displays have become ever-more frequent. All that’s now necessary is a series of events (whether staged or real) to suggest domestic terrorism in several locations at roughly the same time. A state of national emergency may then be declared “for the safety of the people.”
It’s this justification that will assure the success of tyranny. Historically, the majority of people in any county, in any era, choose the illusion of safety over freedom. As John Adams was fond of saying,
Those who would trade freedom for safety will have neither.
From this point on, it would be wise for anyone who lives in the EU, US, UK, etc. to watch events closely. If a rash of “domestic terrorism” appears suddenly, it could well be the harbinger that the government has reached the tipping point—when tyranny under the guise of “protecting the safety of the people” is inaugurated.
The most essential takeaway here is that, although some may object (even violently), the majority of the people will trade their freedom for the promise of safety.
Reprinted with permission from International Man. < https://www.lewrockwell.com/2017/09/no_author/decline-democracy-tyranny/ >
Hey Dan....I know you posted this with the intent of attacking Democrats otherwise Lynn probably would have deleted it. But I think it makes a fine argument for reigning in Trump. From "the rise in domestic terrorism" to declaring a "national emergency" for the safety of the people...I mean, America led by Trump is following the script.
The problem may be that those who feel they have an awareness of such matters and would be alert to these changes are convinced that it only happens when "the other party" is at the controls.
Beware, it's happening now and the current administration is following Jefferson's script, whether you fully realize it or not.
First, I do not think it is a good thing to have people from Lake Worth posting anonymously. But that is a different posting topic Lynn should develop some day... :-) But your point is important to discuss. In Fact, Trump is doing what the framers of the constitution were hoping would happen as a reaction to the Democratic Socialist party having taken over the media and trying to flood future elections with non-American illegal votes for democratic socialism. The founders made a huge point that the Republic would have to be fought for constantly by the people, to prevent Government from trying to tax the country into "prosperity", and the historic course of having a democracy degrade into socialism, as Hillary would have, and AOC, and Bernie Sanders would love to do. Trump is a metaphor for the will of the Americans that voted for the MAGA platform. This platform absolutely spelled out the NEED for the Wall, the need for ending "Illegal" immigration ( while Legal immigration is considered to be healthy, as long as the immigrants embrace assimilation into the American Culture. MAGA also personifies a believe that multiculturalism is a pro-socialist and pro-globalist tool to damage the American culture, and it needs to be fought by each of us, along with political correctness. Trump was the ONLY person willing to do what the voters of America wanted--this being to push the MAGA platform, regardless of personal repercussions such as the democratic socialists have been attacking any Trump allies they can with.
I would say that any person in Lake Worth that declares that there is no National emergency at the southern border, is either a liar ( meaning they have been to the border, talked with the landowners and know the truth--but hate that it goes against democratic socialist future voting agendas)---or, this person would be blindly following the propaganda machine of the democratic socialist party - the NY Times, the Washington Post, CNN and ABC/CBS/NBC news....or listening to the disgusting hypocrites in Hollywood living in 30 million dollar homes, sporting huge walls and security staffs with guns--all the while screaming how immoral the Wall is. We are being invaded -- as is Europe, and we risk losing our culture and giving America over to the control of the Globalists. The reality is, Americans need to wake up to this, and get involved at the level of their own Townhalls...because only at this level can you create a functional reaction to these threats...and then we must get our friends in other towns to become active as well. The sickness of having 20 and 30 year or lifelong politicians in federal government, pretty much underlines the impossibility of working through such life-long parasites and their power and greed. At the Town level, we can push truth and common sense. And....We should be discussing this in person...and that includes both You and I. :-)
Thanks, Dan...a million thanks.
Hey Dan...well, this is great. Someone who is far right AND willing to discuss things here on the blog. Lynn usually deletes any comments that provide facts that are contrary to her posts or she just says I'm a socialist before telling me to take a hike...so it's kind of refreshing to find someone here who can put a paragraph or two together.
I'm just going to post this before I address some of your more extreme views and see if Lynn lets it through. If she does, then if I don't respond to one of your comments, it's because she's deleted it.
Let's see what happens.
Trust me when I say to you your post was not posted here because of your ridiculous challenge to me.
I want you to know and understand this--comments will not be posted when they are lies or when they are personal attacks against this blogger or others that cannot be proven or against the policy of this blog.
If you want to write your own blog, go for it. In the meantime, rules are followed here. I know liberals don't like to follow rules.
This is an opinion site but it is MY opinion.
Next, I don't appreciate your attack against Dan. I don't appreciate anything you wrote. We shall see if Dan takes the bait from someone who posts ANONYMOUSLY and therefore has zero credibility. Why should he waste his time?
3:09 B.S.
Lanny, I am totally fine doing the discussion over coffee in town.....Pick a good day :-)
You could have read all of this with fewer words in the Discourses of Livy by Machiavelli! And to quote The Ancients: "There is nothing new under the sun."
Posting as "anonymous" is gutless and meaningless. It means you are a non-person. If you truly believed in your own message and in it't importance and truth, you would use your real name. Anonymous posters are weak minded cowards. Post by your own name, meet people in person, and be what you could be. I will respect that.
Hey Dan...not sure if Lynn is going to let this comment through but she deleted my last one here so I'm not going to waste my time. I can see myself writing a few paragraphs and her taking offense and deleting the whole thing so...I'll let you know when we can meet in town and talk without Lynn screwing things up. Is during the week good for you?
"Lanny" let's get it straight. My offense? Because you are a perfect A_hole. Just private message each other and then, Lanny, you can take a hike.
Lanny, email me at dan@sfdj.com
I can do coffee any day this week....maybe we go to Common Grounds coffee by the Bamboo Room.
I see you think I am far right, and I am guilty of making a snap judgement that you are a socialist....I do think you said as much, but this could have been a "word for an effect" more than for reality.... As to the reality, I do not think the phrase "Far right" is useful or conveys any semblance of what I believe. The labels "Conservative" or "liberal", supposedly less obscure, don't even reliably mean much either unless in a specific context.....In 1970, in Russia, a "Liberal" there would have been close to a Conservative today. A Democrat like JFK in the 60's would be a conservative today. A liberal today could be so many things it is almost a useless phrase. To me there are several key issues, and they mean far more than news media words like Right or left.
There is the build the wall issue, the why or why not. This is an America issue, versus a globalist perspective....
There is an issue about whether people that are lazy and / or without skills, should have much the same "Lifestyle" as people that work very hard, that were fortunate to get the right opportunities, and turned these opportunities into high income and good lifestyles. Much of the right opportunities comes from networking and peer groups, so not as much of a "not my fault" issue as most unemployed or poorly employed want to pretend it is...but this is a big issue, as it relates to past American culture and the ideas of winning and losing, of skills being good or bad, and of merit based pay...all of this versus a socialistic concept where skills and work output mean nothing toward income or lifestyle, and ignores the obvious reaction of the "highly skilled" when they see they are being stolen from by the socialist system--and they LEAVE or cease working, as in the Atlas Shrugged movie....which you should watch for a rare media perspective on this vision. In nature, a bird takes care of it's own hatchlings with it's own work product, and does not normally share equally with the hatchlings of other birds, though there are some populations of penguins where there is some common care...the point is that the Family comes first, that is where Nature put's your primary duty...it is how your genes get the opportunity to do well in future populations and evolution. Remove the work product differences in a population, and you remove nature and the system will fail. Personally I would leave America if it became socialist, in an AOC or Bernie Sanders sense, as it is immoral to me to put people you do not know as equally important as family and close friends--for distribution of my work product.
And I think we should discuss MAGA....who does this represent, who does it hurt, why do we have it, and what are the alternatives?
The answers to these issues are what is meaningful, not whether one of us wants to call themselves far right or far left. And again, the semantics are crazy...some people will call skin heads and Nazis "far right" - and these are people I would enjoy beating to a pulp for the pure entertainment value of it.
And to me, a NAZI is a democratic socialist that uses the Jews and race as scapegoats for their own failures. They don't believe in free speech, they are cowardly bullies, and they are the worst of the right and of the left. In the spirit of this, let's worry more about the big issues, and last thing on the agenda can be the semantics we use afterwards :-)
I didn't write the book Dan; Machiavelli did. He can't post in his own name, because he died a few hundred years ago. For an individual to air his own opinion, and such a long opinion without attribution, is arrogant. Why should anyone take seriously, anything you say. I don't know you from a newel post. The fact remains, that if Americans had any education, they would know all of this already!
As far as posting anonymously, that is what keeps blogging alive. It's to air your opinion, not a dating service.
@12:47--there is no way you will be able to debate these issues with Dan Volker. You won't show. Everyone can take that to the bank. Dan is posting under his REAL name and provides his photo. What do you provide other than sarcasm. If you were twice as smart as you are, you’d be half as smart as you think you are.
Touche' Lynn
Dan...thanks for you email. I'll be in touch. As long as you don't let Lynn know when we're meeting I'm cool with it. She's...how can I say...a "little uncomfortable" to be around.
Until then, my "extreme right" perception comes, in part, from your assessment that America is currently being "invaded," your use of the term "globalist," your embrace of Ayn Rand, and your failure to recognize Democrats intense efforts in the last 5 years to increase security at our SW border and Republican's obstruction.
Hopefully, you're not aware of the derogatory nature of the word "globalist" by many. You seem to like a lot of words so this Atlantic article explaining it's use is here:
OK--you don't need to use my blog for your left propaganda. You know how to communicate with each other. Keep if off of here.
I look forward to speaking in person, and I am fine with not publicizing when we talk :-)
As far as the semantics....let's not get to worked up over words that the media and politicians on both sides use for agendas that are far more involved than our interests are....Let's hit the real issues, and then decide if there is better language to describe key issues.
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