Thursday, June 7, 2018

Tattoo parlors and body-piercing studios in downtown Lake Worth? No, No, no!

At the next scheduled City Commission Meeting on June 19th, there will be a Public Hearing regarding the highly controversial tattoo parlors and body piercing companies allowed to operate in our downtown. The City is proposing a moratorium on it for one year. Why not just change the zoning to disallow it altogether? Probably scared of being sued.


Anonymous said...

Can't believe some idiot is paid to allow this in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Casinos are next!

Anonymous said...

Well casino might attract some harmless retirees with money to spend!

Anonymous said...

Hey,you geniuses elected these retards!! Corrupt,yes CORRUPT staff runs this city. Wonder what benefits hair-man got for rubber stamping an illegal application for this place. The Peters family are like a bunch of locusts moving thru our town. And you people elected the wooden puppets that won't do a thing to stop them.

Anonymous said...

Lynn, this whole Peters/Trio thing is beginning to remind me if a Twilight Zone episode- “Stopover in A Quiet Town”. Check it out!!!