Tuesday, December 6, 2016

New Flower shop soon to open in Lake Worth

We used to have a florist on Lake Avenue, Lake Worth Florist. That shop got in a political entanglement with one of our former mayors who was running for re-election when the owner put up a political sign in her window supporting his opponent. The state imposed a public censure and reprimand with a civil penalty on him in the amount  of $2,000 for strong-armed tactics. I have never thought it was smart business for store owners to erect political signs in their windows. You are always going to tick off a certain percentage of potential customers.

I miss our old flower shop that closed. As I recall, there was a sickness in her family. But soon we will have a new one moving into our city.

Read about it...


Anonymous said...

ok, i'm biting. Who was the mayor?

Lynn Anderson said...
