Wednesday, December 21, 2016

The delusional progressive socialist left

"Mrs. Obama is telling us there’s a feeling of hopelessness in America? No ma’am, there is indeed a feeling of hope for America because the dangerous policies of the left are about to end."

Read more... of the great Allen West.


Anonymous said...

What a classless,arrogant,entitled piece of trash Michelle Obama is! Can you imagine any other first lady saying that there is no hope because their husbands were leaving office? The color of a person's skin is more important than the content of their character. That has been the mantra of the last eight years. Thank God the nightmare is about to end.

Anonymous said...

She must feel so hopeless every time she puts on a new designer dress the cost of which could feed hungry fatherless children, yet we must all look up to her.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Obama's problem, is not the color of her skin, but the generation she was born into. She sounds like all of the other whining crybabies who think the only thing that matters in life is having their own way. There are innumerable black women, of every stripe, that are held in the highest esteem in American Society. Unfortunately, she just never made the cut. I hope she will not pass that attitude on to her daughters.