Sunday, December 25, 2016

The Minion of Satan erects Festivus pole in Tallahassee

Atheist Chaz Stevens, who says he's not a satanist, has been erecting his ridiculous poles for four years now at our state capitol. This time it is an upside down flag with a Trump Make America Great Again cap on it.

Stevens says it is the most ridiculous thing he could come up with and he is airing his grievances against our president-elect. Not sure what they are but Chaz has them.

Also not sure who is more ridiculous--Stevens, the State of Florida or me for even talking about it.


Anonymous said...

I don't know why nobody remembers when George's father (Seinfeld) came up with a festivus for the rest of us, and how incredibly funny is was. There really is no sense of humour left in this country. It's not that long ago people!

Lynn Anderson said...

There is nothing funny about a satanist. :(

Anonymous said...

I think maybe you take the prize here Lynn. I'd be a lot more worried about the communists than I would the satanists. Somehow, I just don't think it is going to catch on.

Lynn Anderson said...

Not the least bit worried about them anonymous (just don't like them although they do amuse me) although atheists seem to be usually Democrats. Glad I took some sort of a prize, however.

I definitely am concerned about socialists, communists, and those people more concerned about protecting Muslims than Christians, and one/half of America, etc.

Anonymous said...

You can't be an atheist and a satanist. Believing in satan implies belief in the bible. In other words, since satin is a fallen angel, there couldn't be a satan without there being a Holy Spirit. An atheist by definition, believes in nothing. Not God, and not satan.

Lynn Anderson said...

Well, they all worship the god of self. A satanist worships the devil. Really stupid. But Chaz is an atheist, not a satanist he says. I think he just likes to have fun jerking peopel around.