Tuesday, December 6, 2016

LeBron James- No Role Model

LeBron James, the overpaid $30.9 million a year NBA star and Hillary supporter says that he won't stay at the TrumpSoHo in New York even though Trump no longer holds any equity in the hotel and in spite of the fact that the team has a contract to stay there.

Poor "little" LeBron wants to stay in a "safe" haven. In November he said that they would not go to the White House if they won another championship.

Well, hallelujah. He may travel first-class but he has none.


Anonymous said...

First of all, can you imagine anyone being worth that kind of money for throwing a basketball into a hoop? He has no brains. Someone working on a cure for cancer makes peanuts. Our priorities are skewed.

Anonymous said...

Hey Lynn, still waiting for your take on the rightwing terrorist shooting up a DC pizza parlor because of Alex Jones fake news, the same "news" you quote here on the blog. You seem to know a lot about the fake news so it would be cool to get your opinion on your news sources for your blog!*

*sorry, didn't include your facebook and email sources

Lynn Anderson said...

Hey, anonymous coward, don't know who started the "fake news" story (which was ridiculous, by the way) but the shooter was not a Republican but a Hillary supporter I believe.

Lynn Anderson said...

P.S. @9:26...when you post a comment, please post it on a blog that is appropriate. Or better yet, don't post at all. This is about LeBron James.

Anonymous said...

LeBron is no Prince Charles; and he's no Shaq either. I never did like him since he left Ohio for Miami. As they say, it's all about him. In fact he's no Iverson no Jordan and no Bird. He's way down the list and will never be remembered fondly like all of the basketball greats. Oops! Almost forgot Dr. J.