Thursday, February 11, 2016

Lawsuit on Heights - Lake Worth

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LAKE WORTH — In a move that wasn’t unexpected, a former city commissioner and two residents are suing the city of Lake Worth over the $60 million Gulf Stream Hotel project, claiming city commissioners were in violation of the city charter that states building heights can’t exceed 45 feet.
Palm Beach Post

Actually that is another misleading statement by the Post. The city is not being sued over the alleged $60 million Gulfstream Hotel. However, it is refreshing that the Post finally mentioned the Charter Amendment, something it has failed to do in the past.

What we know:
The referendum passed--no more than 45 feet in that area is allowed.

What we don't know:
If Hudson Holdings is full of hyperbole, if their project is really $60 million or if they will ever open the Gulfstream Hotel. We can only hope that they want to open the Gulfstream as a hotel. It's another dream...give them anything they want and it will be successful. How many times have we gone through this? They should be building per the Charter Amendment.

More of What we know:
The city commission changed the zoning for Hudson Holdings...upzoning which is spot zoning which is illegal.

Taxes will go to the CRA on anything new that is built there.

This was a Charter Amendment on changing the heights, not a referendum on a development order, not a referendum on a Comp Plan change and not a referendum on a Map change.

Lake Worth's city attorney is doing the job that he is paid to do--(working for the trio majority commission of Maxwell, Triolo and Amoroso) and in this regard, this entire commission "visionary" trio is going against the will of the people.

The attorney for the plaintiffs is doing his job and serving democracy, working for the people, not a developer.


Anonymous said...

Can you post where in the city Charter it refers to heights?

Lynn Anderson said...

I am NOT doing your research for you. You might have more time to look that up yourself. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Going against the "will" of "what people"? They are not going against my will. There are a couple of other buildings there that are the same height HH is proposing. The majority of people i talk to don't care about 20 feet they want to see the hotel opened. That includes people that voted for the height limits only to learn after and obviously too late they were lied to and sold a heaping steaming pile of b.s. that tall buildings would pop up every where and block out the sun. In order to pacify the sue happy malcontents the city should agree to hold another election on this.

Lynn Anderson said...

Well, it's too bad you didn't get more of your developer friends to the polls and those living on Hudson pipe dreams.
I didn't vote for these incumbents wasn't my will...but they're there! And so?

Anonymous said...

anon at 11:16 you do not speak for the majority of voters in Lake Worth. They voted for a maximum height of 45 feet. Period.The only people not telling the truth were Greg Rice ,Loretta Sharpe and their illegal banner hanging on the Gulfstream. Have.Have another election? Why? So Pam Triolo,Scott maxwell and Andy Amoroso can spit on that result also? Sorry anon. in America you don't get to say "do over " until you get your way.

Unknown said...

Anonymous 4:14PM. A Lake Worth history lesson for you. You posted; "Have another election? For why? So Pam, Andy and Scott can spit on that results also? Sorry anon. In America you don't get to say "do-over" until you get the results you way."

You probably don't know but 20 years ago the citizens of Lake Worth had an election to put in its charter the height limits in the city of 65' east of Dixie Hwy and 100' west of Dixie Hwy. They did that to assure property owners of the predictability in investing in our city. IMO the conflict that was going to be created by having conflicting language from 2 different voter referendums would only discourage people wanting to invest because of the uncertainty and predictability in our city. So the most recent election did just that, "spit on the earlier voters" and residents of Lake Worth. That's why the state legislature passed the bill to nullify those election results.

Lynn Anderson said...

Greg--that was an ordinance made in 1996...a little different than a Charter Amendment.

Unknown said...

Lynn, doesn't any changes in the charter have to be voted on? I think it does.

Lynn Anderson said...

There are many Ordinances as well as Resolutions in the Charter. We don't vote on everything.

Unknown said...

Lynn, I was told and believe the 65' and 100' heights in the charter that was lowered throughout the city to 45' and 35' maximum height in 2012 was voted on in 1996.

Lynn Anderson said...

Sec. 11. - Building height limitation.

East of Dixie Highway within the city no building or part thereof shall be constructed which exceeds a vertical height of sixty-five (65) feet above grade. West of Dixie Highway within the city no building or part thereof shall be constructed which exceeds a vertical height of one hundred (100) feet above grade.

(Ord. No. 96-32, § 1, 12-5-96)

Editor's note— On March 12, 2013, a referendum was passed approving an amendment to the charter, as set forth in City Ordinance 2012-30, which added further building height restrictions. Effective June 5, 2013, the Florida Legislature enacted amendments to section 163.3167(8), Florida Statutes, which nullified the referendum and voided the charter amendment.

Anonymous said...

Seems like Greg is right

Lynn Anderson said...

It seems?
Just like he was right hanging an illegal banner on the Gulfstream Hotel. That kind of "right?"