Vice Mayor Scott Maxwell continues to say that he is really proud of the fact that he has reduced electric rates while in office. He particularly brags that Lake Worth is now the 4th lowest in the entire State of Florida and he intends to get our rates even lower than FPL's. It's nice to dream; it's not nice to intentionally break the bank or to blatantly fudge the truth to the Lake Worth residents by claiming that this is an accomplishment.
Click here for the facts from the Florida Municipal Electric Association of which we are a member.
The last data they have are from December 2015. Perhaps Maxwell can explain where he got his numbers.
And to say it again, Maxwell and the rest of this trio voted to lose $1.276 million in our electric utility in 2016 by not raising rates.
Everyone should know by now that these three are liars. Vote them out no matter what.
Electric rates down, water rates up. Outcome means bill stays the same for most families. This is normally called three card monty.
water rates are just covering our expenses.
electric revenues--we have to rob our reserves.
So, I would say that you are right--it is a big hustle.
AS a city employee I have said this all along, yes we are middle of the pack for 1000 KWH's but the more you use the more it costs and the higher up on the costs we go. Lies always expose themselves and we have been lying to the public of most of the year.
You are showing a one month report. According tot he Utility Director, LW is 4th lowest on an annual basis. His explanation was compared to driving a car, bad MPG while driving in the City and best MPG while driving on the Highway. Some months are City driving and others are Highway driving. When annualized, Lake Worth has the 4th lowest rates in the State.
Sadly, McVoy and Maier want to raise the electric rates again
Go up and look at ALL of the reports, anonymous. Don't compare our electric rates to driving a car. Do your own research. I have provided the link on this blog so you can click on every month and see that you are WRONG. On top of everything else, we have fuel charges that brings up the rate even higher and we are ranked 23rd lowest in residential in the state for December on 1200 kwh, or better stated, ranked in the top tier of high rates.
Lynn you are correct about reading more of the statement not just the 1000 KWH as we rise high into the rankings the more you use and check out the commercial rates we are in the high top quartile. I know previous LWU administration use to explain the various charges when asked without using car driving examples they just told it like it is and of course for that they were run off.
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