Monday, October 12, 2015

Sick Satanist threatens Suit - calls Lake Worth "Fuckers"

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Satanist makes comment

"About a year ago, I asked the City of Lake Worth permission to perform a Satanic Invocation before a regular City Commission meeting. After being ignored, and only after I amped up my vaunted Annoyance Generating Email Technology, the swarmy City Manager, Michael Bornstein, indicated invocations were coming to an end … in fact, he was going to give the last invocation from the dais."

~ Chaz Stevens

Satanist Chaz Stevens' letter to Bornstein and Torcivia

One "hoot" of a show

Stevens was on a local radio show back in 2013 and the host, Wes Blackman, wrote about it. That must have been a bundle of laughs.


Anonymous said...

Don't let this slime ball scare you off Lake Worth. This is a government in God we Trust.

Anonymous said...

He left out the word MOTHER

Lynn Anderson said...

I say, give him his two minutes of fame. Under no circumstances allow him in to coerce the city to end invocations. That is his objective...putting the fear into you with stupidity and a threat. Allow him to speak and then kick him and his entourage out the door. End of story. He will eventually give up on Lake Worth and harass some other city. You can't have a crazy guy kill your spirit.

Anonymous said...

Now I get it,,, Wes continues to go after the church on his blog.What a sad man he is.He's laughing here.Incredulous but I'm not surprised. Evil.

Anonymous said...

That common ground church is all about publicity n taking advatage of the city. Is everyone really that onesided blind?

Lynn Anderson said...

Hi Wes!

Anonymous said...

why not pray in your church and leave city meetings secular? We have a diverse community and many are not religious but want to come to city meetings and do business with the city, why make them pray in order to do so.

public christian prayer at public meetings makes no sense and it, of course, opens the city up to entertaining every religious nut out there.

Lynn Anderson said...

Two minutes won't kill probably would do YOU some good.

Anonymous said...

ever heard of the expression "separation of church and state"??? That will eliminate a lot of issues.

Lynn Anderson said...

There is NO issue. Tell it to the US Senate. There is nothing in the Constitution that forbids mixing faith and politics or from sharing faith in a state-related function or location.

Anonymous said...

So i guess everyone is ignoring the fact that the church for rehab addicts is in bar and the fact that they believe they exempt from code safety inspections? Correct lynn? & im not wes, just bc someone sees it differently you shouldnt assume things.

Lynn Anderson said...

You're reading too much of the bully blog. Come on down to the Common Ground Church and check it out for yourself instead of judging something for which you know nothing first-hand.
The church, Recovery Church, is not Common Ground Church but they too use the Bamboo room on Wednesdays I think it is...not sure.

Anonymous said...

From what i heard they got their name out by fighting the city on a safety inspection and by name slammed mr. Cosia code officer when he was just doing his job

Lynn Anderson said...

Yeah, right. I can just see a pastor "fighting" someone especially Gerry Coscia. Why not check with the source first instead of continuing to throw the stones. ok?

Anonymous said...

It's NOT JUST Christians that have given invocations, ignorant one at 4:58. Many faiths have spoken. Let this guy speak. Like Lynn said, give him his two minutes of fame.All faiths should be welcome .
If our Commission tries to do away with invocations before the meeting inside the meeting, we'll just have them on the outside.
Why does Wes smiling at a guy holding up an "eat me" sign surprise anyone?
Katie Mcgiveron

Gold Emblem said...


Once again, you miss the point ... but props to you for being consistent.

The problem, the legal problem your city is due to the discrimination they practiced against me.

Your City Manager told me no more invocations, then quietly continued those invocations.

My injury came at the very moment the first invocation was performed.

Review Florida Statute 761. Actually do some research, instead of just making silly comments.

I have standing here, and we intend to make the city pay dearly for their actions.

Wes is a good guy.

Lynn Anderson said...

I GET IT, Chaz. I believe in your right to free speech...that's about all I believe in when it comes to you. I also agree that the City should have had the decency to respond to your request...they didn't and that doesn't surprise me. As you seem to think Wes is a "good guy" and he goes after the church that you hate and he loves the city so much, ask him how he feels about the total non-response from this government...which was pretty damn stupid of them.

Anonymous said...

What a douche bag Chaz Stevens is.

Anonymous said...

Lynn is way too generous here. I would kick your azz out of town. You and Wes make a lovely pair. Why don't you go and do your dirty deeds somewhere else preferably your own home or maybe on Columbia Drive. Do you have live sacrifices too?

Anonymous said...

Chaz Stevens is giving Lake Worth the middle finger displaying a vulgar sign. Wess thinks this is cute. Sickos. They both need the love of God. What about it, Chaz and Wess?

Anonymous said...

I would love to have a cup of coffee with Chaz Stevens. PASTOR MIKE OLIVE

Anonymous said...

Talk about throwing rocks in glass houses, or pot calling the kettle black or any other silly saying by the grown women who wears a "Bite Me" ball cap at the South Florida Fair.

Anonymous said...

Mike Olive, you have more references on Facebook to the a-hole Wes then you do to your own wife. Its ok to come out of the closet, imagine the publicity you would have for you and the church?

Lynn Anderson said...

Ok, let's keep family out of this discussion but since you opened it up--
Mike Olive is a real man with a real wife, children and grandchildren and none of them need saving.

Lynn Anderson said...

11:10--yes indeed...Tom is it?
Anyway, I gave that cap to Scott Maxwell as it seems to suit him better in some ways.
Also, I have a bulldog on the right side of my blog that says that exact same thing. It is a powerful message. At least I like it.

Anonymous said...

Bite Me and EAT ME have the same connotation to you? Hardly. one is cute the otthr is crude.

Anonymous said...

So, then in your thinking, a real man has to be married to a women with children and grandchildren. Does that go for a real women also, gotta be married with children?

Bruce Jenner was as real of a man if you ever saw one, whats he up to today?

Lynn Anderson said...

That's NOT what I said, anonymous at what I wrote.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Chaz for your fight against Christian Sharia law. There is no reason for or purpose for religious invocations of any type in a public meeting. Why is your religious faith so perilous that you feel compelled to force it on those that simply need a roof permit?

Chaz Stevens said...

>> I also agree that the City should have had the decency to respond to your request...they didn't and that doesn't surprise me.

It's nothing to do with decency. It's all about the 14th Amendment -- due process under the law. Review Florida Statute 761 ... and then consider why I should file a lawsuit for a civil rights violation.

They discriminated against me. They discriminated against me because of my content, because of my religious belief.

And, to the tough guy that wants to kick my ass, please drop me a line. I've been fighting in the ring for over a decade, and I'm always on the lookout for a new punching bag.

chazstevens at gmail dot com

Lynn Anderson said...

Chaz, the ONLY transgression, which is a social transgression, certainly NOT a biblical transgression :) here is that they did not reply to your request. You can't prove that any discrimination occurred...they simply did NOT reply.

Chaz Stevens said...


The CM told me they were cancelling the invocations.

Nice try... Those damn liberal facts.

Lynn Anderson said...

Don't understand the "liberal facts" comment. People change their minds...chit happens...ask Obama.