Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Ben Carson and Bernie Sanders on Pot

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Our public policy on marijuana has been a failure. Poll after poll shows that a growing number of Americans want the drug war to be replaced with a public policy that makes sense. What makes sense  to me is ending illegal drug use.

There is a growing group that is pushing for legalizing marijuana. The States of Washington and Colorado have already legalized it and there are seven states on the verge of legalizing it: California (no surprise here), Massachusetts, Missouri, Hawaii, Maine, Nevada and Ohio.

Bernie Sanders, a self-described Socialist who is running for the Democratic nomination, said in May that he supports decriminalizing recreational marijuana in Vermont, and was watching the situation in Colorado “very closely.” If elected, some believe that he will legalize marijuana and then all of us can walk around stoned out of our minds.

Click here... to read what Dr. Ben Carson has to say about marijuana. The article is written by the author who has smoked pot for twenty years.


Anonymous said...

You should try it Lynn, it would do you a world of good.

Lynn Anderson said...

Actually, anonymous, I am a pretty mellow gal. I don't need drugs, alcohol or cigarettes.

Anonymous said...

You know, it's not bad. It is demonized and people are made to believe that it automatically gets you hooked or leads to things like heroin or worse. You would be surprised if you were to find out all the folks the smoke and are responsible citizens just like you. Just because someone takes a puff every now and then or has a beer or a drink doesn't make them a drug addict or an alcoholic. Wouldn't you agree?

Lynn Anderson said...

I believe in most of what you just said. However where I have the problem is, and I know marijuana users dispute this, I believe that it can be a gateway drug. As the affects of pot smoking wear off, some people move on to something more potent in order to get that same feeling or high. There are a lot of weak people in our society.

Anonymous said...

lynn i say the same--try it --its good for you --trust me dear

Lynn Anderson said...

LOL--that's what all druggies say to people to get them hooked.

Anonymous said...

see ---we told you

Anonymous said...

Ben Carson speaks and acts like he is stoned.

Lynn Anderson said...

Ben Carson is a soft-spoken gentleman and he is a doctor. Would you rather have a different type personality operating on your brain? I certainly don't want a kook running our country who is on marijuana and who believes that we all need to be stoned. :)

Anonymous said...

Lynn, we all "don't need to be stoned" this is what I'm talking about, smoking pot or anything else is a personal choice..it doesn't mean that if legalization happens, everyone in the US will light up.

Anonymous said...

I've smoked weed for years but only when im either snorkeling or relaxing while doing something not just sitting on my couch watching tv. In all honestly maybe once every few weeks to a month il hit a drag. I've never done any other drug in my life so calling it a gateway drug is a little out there. Maybe for weak minded people who are already going down the wrong path but I have a great job, good friends and an amazing family. I see no issue with legalizing it. Plus it smells a hell of a lot better than cigarettes. The government should regulate it like alcohol because if someone did smoke to much which idiots will then yes they could hurt someone smoking and driving or public intoxication of it.

Anonymous said...

Making it criminal surely hasn't worked. Giving someone a criminal record they carry all through life for possession of something on the scale of liquor is immoral.

I voted against the "medical marijuana" amendment because it was a scam and a back door to legalize it. I think it should be outright legalized and regulated. It would go a long way to ending the Mexican drug gangs and violence down there and across the border into our country.

I smoked a lot when I was younger. By most accounts I was a stoner. Now, you don't have to smoke anywhere near the amount we smoked back then for a good buzz.

Anonymous said...

When people are high on pot they have no idea how stupid they look with weird eyes plus they stink and of course make bad decisions all the while thinking they're the greatest.

Anonymous said...

The last thing we need now is a population of pot heads who won't be able to defend themselves in the event of an enemy attack on our soil.

Warrior 1 said...

Did I miss a declaration of war?

Just who do you think is going to invite our soil?

I'm ready, I just need to brush up on my foreign-languages.. So please tell me who it is and I can get even more ready

Anonymous said...

Oh my. There is a big difference between a "Socialist" and a "Democratic Socialist". You would do well to learn it and I think you might appreciate that Bernie is a "Democratic Socialist".
Decriminalization of marijuana would not be a bad thing. In fact, as an RN, mother, and grandmother, I would be 100% for it.
This idiotic war on drugs has proved to be a sham and a shame. Wasting our precious resources for the investigation, arrest, prosecution, and imprisonment of someone growing or possessing what amounts to personal stash is plain silly.
The ONLY people who are teaching others that it is a gateway drug are those who continue to get rich off of keeping it illegal. Period.
If you want to get all crazy about something - take a good hard look at alcohol or prescription opiods. Oh wait - that's all legal. Nevermind.