Friday, October 23, 2015

Quotes of the Day - Setting the Record straight

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Tuesday night, there was a lengthy discussion on the Beach Fund Budget. As you recall, this majority commission voted to operate our beach in the RED for year 2016. They would not raise revenue and they added hundreds of thousands in additional costs to ensure failure as well as dipping into capital revenue.

"The numbers are accurate as long as the public knows the debt has NOT been paid back...This commission decided, not unanimously, NOT to pay back the debt that they were obligated to pay."

~ Mayor Pam Triolo

Setting the record straight:
"It was to pay it back at a different pace--it was NOT to NOT pay it back."

~ Commissioner Ryan Maier


Anonymous said...

Pam Triolo,you are a liar. We all know it and you can't hide it behind that false smile.

Weetha Peebull said...

Pam has obvious trouble w/reading and comprehension skills!
If it's not her way - she 'smirks' then butts in wherever to justify her 'special interpretation' of it. She might want to audit the meeting video and change her ways of 'pulling down her big OWN Big Girl Panties and then spanking her own heinnie' brfore the election!
We ALL Obey ALL the rules & the title of Mayor doesn't allow anyone to make it up as you go along! The tide goes In & Out. Wonder if she'll get it - she's sown the seed and will be 'out' soon!

Lynn Anderson said...

Don't be so sure 11:58. Most people DON'T attend commission meetings and her friends who do, love her.

Weetha Peebull said...

If a picture is worth a thousand words,
how many do you think a video is worth?

Those that want to see & hear will get it
if shown Public Video of the 'Show". Those
in 'blind love' w/being an elected's pet
never will.

So we'll bring the meeting to them!