Monday, October 12, 2015

DMV Voter Registration in California

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(Washington Times) – A bill signed Saturday by California Gov. Jerry Brown aimed at improving voter turnout has critics predicting that it will ramp up voter fraud by making it easier for non-citizens to cast ballots. Read more...

California will now be the second state in the country after Oregon to have a law that will register voters in conjunction with their driver's licenses. California wants more people to vote and wants to make it as simple as possible for all the simpletons and a state with the most illegal aliens. As this is the top most socialistic state in the country, we can see where fraud could very easily occur and all in favor of liberal "progressives."

Florida asks people if they want to register to vote when they get their driver's license. US News reported that Florida election officials announced that by cross-referencing voter rolls with driver's licenses and other materials, they believed 2,600 registered voters were in fact not U.S. citizens, and that they were looking into the records of another 180,000 registered voters. Suspected non-citizens were then sent letters requiring them to confirm their citizenship in order to retain their voter rights. I wonder how that worked out.


Anonymous said...

Government shouldn't get involved in this. If a person is eligible and wants to vote, he can figure it out. there are enough low information voters as it is.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand who could be against making it easy to vote. Why not make it simple and easy. I registered to vote before I was 18, it was part of a program in my high school that helped seniors register to vote, obviously I couldn't actually vote until I was 18. What was the result? I've voted in every presidential election and most nonpresidential elections since I turned 18.

Only unAmerican people want to make it difficult to vote.

Lynn Anderson said...

You don't get this at all, do you? Only progressives want to call the rest of us "un-American." You have to be a CITIZEN.

Anonymous said...

This way there will be more sheeple auto democratic party voters.

Anonymous said...

I am a citizen, just b/c it was easy for me to register doesn't mean I'm not a citizen. Do you really think California is registering a bunch of illegal immigrants? The only people who engage in voter fraud are Republicans, been shown time and time again here in Fl