Wednesday, September 2, 2015

WPBF video on Hands off our Beach

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View the video from WPBF Channel 25 on Lake Worth residents fight to keep private developers away from casino property.

Much of it was edited out particularly the part where Katie McGiveron said that we WERE making money at the beach which contradicts City Manager Bornstein's statement. He said that nothing has been decided and "they're just sitting tight."

The ITN process is long over and the presentations have been made to the commission and to the public. So, the statement of Bornstein about the city "sitting tight" means that they are giving Hudson Holdings all the time necessary to get all their plans approved, go before the Historic Resources Preservation board, etc. and the city is dragging out the inevitable.

View the video and read the story--

Concerned residents are suspicious of the city manager's idea to bring in private developers to a public property and feel like they have been left out of the process with proposals being discussed behind closed doors.

"A city manager with a secret process is not going to tell us [the residents] what is going to happen at our beach," concerned resident Katie McGiveron said.


Anonymous said...

Pretty good video especially showing all the red signs. Bornstein got way too much BS time.

Anonymous said...

Hasn't the time to turn in plans already expired? Just what is staff waiting for? The people of Lake Worth do not want Hudson Holdings at our beach. Just like William Waters said about Szerdi and the anger of the residents, Pam, Andy and Scott can wave goodbye to their seats if they vote for this. The next Commission will just over rule them if they let their greed overcome their desire to be elected officials.. And Hudson Holdings cannot build above 45 feet. It's THE LAW in Lake Worth, passed by the people of Lake Worth. Ignore us at your peril.

Anonymous said...

Hey Piggy Fishbottom and Mark Piss-myself-rilla aren't you and your small minded,small minority tried of getting your azzez kicked by the majority of people who really care about Lake Worth?

Anonymous said...

The more people that hear about the fact the CITY wants to turn over this amazing asset to a private Developer, the more resistance they are getting. None of the HH "come together so we can make you feel better about screwing you" will help. This is absolutely crazy! Especially now that we know HH would probably just turn it over to another company for profit. There is absolutely no way the citizens will allow!!!