Tuesday, September 1, 2015

WPBF tonight on Hands Off our Beach

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On WPBF Channel 25 tonight in the 5:30 hour, there will be a segment on
Hands Off Our Beach.

City Manager Mike Bornstein and Mayor Pam Triolo are interviewed.

Let's hear what they have to say about this "secret" ITN process or why they want to screw around with a perfectly wonderful beach complex..


Anonymous said...

Bornsten looked like a deer in the headlights! He lied his azz of AGAIN about our beach losing money ! What a creep!

Anonymous said...

Sad to see so many un-kept yards with red signs in them shown on the spot that aired last night. Embarrassing.

Lynn Anderson said...

Ya think, anonymous @11:23?
What's really embarrassing in this city are killjoys such as yourself.

Anonymous said...

See you and your friends are back to calling the local media with your lies. How long do you think it will take your latest victims at ch. 25 to figure out you're all full of crap and stop taking your calls just like ch. 12 did?

Lynn Anderson said...

You have to be the most ill-informed person who ever lived. Actually Channel 25 called me. And I believe that it was the city that got irritated with Channel 12 doing all these exposes on the city putting them in a realistic but bad light.

Anonymous said...

LOL! These creeps are pissed that somebody honest actually got interviewed by the press! Way to go Katy!