Thursday, September 3, 2015

Homeless person in Lake Worth gets busted

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Read about the sticky finger burglar on Xanax who broke into a car on North L Street and stole a gun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This "alleged" criminal seems like a typical LW transient --loser, unemployed, addict, dealer, hooker, pimp, mentally ill, sociopath, or homeless or veteran or illegal, or whatever. Maybe your neighbor or relative. I have compassion for their plight, but don't understand I must be a victim to their crimes.

But the "victim" in this case (& so often) is probably similar, or worse. --Doubt that a law-abiding resident (homeowner or renter or tourist) would keep a gun & ammo in their car! (unless they're an idiot, which most criminals are.) - Criminal-to-criminal crime is rampant! -It's a huge part of crime in LW, FL, US & worldwide. In my opinion.