Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Tonight's City Commission Meeting

Comment Up

The Library Board will give a presentation. The Board members are responsible for recommending expenditures from the Library Trust Fund and the Simpkin Trust Fund, advise the Library Director on issues of policy and service and participate in the long-range planning process. The members serve five-year terms. The last update provided by the Library Board was on September 9, 2014. No one knows why this board continues to allow one of its members to be on the board as he has missed half of the yearly meetings. Maybe he can explain.

Not much on the agenda other than Consent with 8 items that the commission wants to pass hoping there is no discussion.

A. The Resolution, 23-2015, authorizes the submission of a $25,000 grant application for cultural resources management consulting services to develop design guidelines for an historic preservation program and another $25,000 grant application for a consultant to conduct a survey of the City’s historical resources.

B.  CDBG funds will increase from $450,750 to $480,750 for the design and reconstruction of 7th Avenue South between South A and South F Streets.

C.  The Refuse Division has to make repairs to some roll off containers and is in need of additional repairs and rehabilitation of approximately 100 containers over the remainder of this fiscal year in an amount of $15,000: bringing the total Purchase Order to GT Supplies to $35,000, thus requiring Commission approval. As you recall THIS commission gave the city manager approval of anything under $25,000 to spend as necessary without their vote.

D.  The City entered a Professional Services Agreement with Alcalde & Fay, Ltd., on April 16, 2014 for governmental relations and advocacy on behalf of the City. The Agreement provides for a monthly retainer fee of $5,000 per month. The City wishes to temporarily suspend the services of Alcalde & Fay and payment of the monthly retainer for five months in order to retain the law firm of Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC, to represent the City in appeals related to FEMA’s de-obligation of funding provided for the 2004 and 2005 hurricane seasons. I would like to know if this lobbyist firm has done any good for Lake Worth before we reinstate them.

E.  In order for Baker Donelson to represent the City and continue to represent Ocwen Loan Servicing, the City must agree to a blanket waiver of actual or potential conflicts raised by Baker Donelson’s representation of Ocwen Loan Servicing in mortgage foreclosures and related defense of code violations and tax claims.

F.  We have high service water pumps that were installed in 1958 and are nearing the end of their useful life. So the city wants Mock Roos to perform design phase services for the Water Treatment Plant High Service Pump Improvements at a cost not to exceed, 33,960.

G.  Lift Station #4 was constructed in 1967 and is the last remaining Dry Pit - Wet Well type station in Lake Worth. Mock Roos will do design service for this at a cost not to exceed $34,425.

H.  Ratification of new City board members :
City Tree Board
Nadine Burns to fill an unexpired term ending on July 31, 2016

Recreation Advisory Board:
Karla Engel to fill an unexpired term ending on July 31, 2016. (the City says, this was the Mayor’s appointment; however, she waived her right to this appointment and the Vice Mayor was the next elected official responsible for an appointment.) In looking at the backup, District 2 or District 4 have the opportunity to appoint someone to the board. the Vice Mayor was not mentioned.

Finance Advisory Board: (Maier had an appointment and the Vice Mayor had two appointments...don't know who appointed these two but I guess we can use our imagination)
John Szerdi to fill an unexpired term ending on July 31, 2016
Robert Lepa to fill an unexpired term ending on July 31, 2015

A.  The 6th Ave South – "Federal Hwy to Dixie Hwy project is a critical gateway entrance to the City off of I-95." That's how the city describes this project. Am I missing something?  Federal to Dixie...a gateway? Approval tonight is for Craven Thompson and Associates to provide survey, engineering design, and limited construction phase services in an amount not to exceed $25,000. After that is completed, the city will get into spending heavy duty bucks ($197,865), in resurfacing the road, repairing sidewalks and curbing.


Anonymous said...

So I guess the city is stocking its Finance Advisory Board with people who are either working for or Extremely sympathetic to Hudson Holdings. Devious. When is the next election??? We need new leaders in this city and then a lot of damage is going to have to be undone. I say first thing after the next election -- a vote to disband the Finance Advisory Board.

Anonymous said...

I say ADIOS to ALL citizen boards. Even the LIBRARY board has gotten so political that it allows that racist scum Parilla to continue to be on it,in spite of his missing way too many board meetings.

Anonymous said...

Terrible Library presentation tonight by a terrible person.

Anonymous said...

It was unamerican that someone walked out on the Library Board presentation.

Anonymous said...

Protests are very American. Actually, everyone should have walked out on Parrilla. Did you notice no one clapped?

Anonymous said...

Are you talking about me, Katie Mcgiveron? I did get up when the vile racist scum Mark Parilla started to give his Library board presentation, but I hope he didn't flatter himself that I left because of him. I had to go "powder my nose" in the little girls room.Then I ran into a couple of people in the hallway I spoke to.BTW, Parilla's presentation blew chunks. Nice to know that someone is looking out for me out there.Katie Mcgiveron