Sunday, June 7, 2015

Common Ground Church

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The theme of Love is the prevalent theme at Common Ground Church. It's always the message and certainly a good one...Love is greater than Hate.

Today, the theme was Love thy Neighbor no matter who he is or what he has done. I know this is a Christian teaching and unfortunately, I have a lot of work to do in that department. Mark 12.31 second commandment says, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.

As Jeremiah was preaching (Pastor Mike was out of town), I had to ask myself the question, "How can I love ISIS? How can I love evil people? How can I love bullies, liars, sneaks and those whose only purpose in life is to demean others and tear them apart just because they disagree with them? Some people are hard to forgive and impossible to love.


Anonymous said...

Lynn, pray each day, pray for ISIS and a conversion. Pray that Jesus will touch their hearts and convert them like Jesus did with Saul, converting him and he became Paul and became a very strong Christian. ISIS can convert and become Christians too, it is possible through prayer and Jesus Christ. I love watching the Bible AD on NBC on Sundays at 9pm, watch it, watch Joel Osteen at 8pm Sundays too on Chan. 21-1, they will transform your life forever. I love a church that has a Eucharist where you can really receive the body and blood of Christ each week in church, it is so powerful, it really is Jesus. As Catholics we know this to be true, without any doubts. Today is Corpus Criste, the Body of Christ Day. God and Jesus offer their body and blood for us for our sins and our redemption. Pray for Isis to be SISI, they can change and yes, hopefully will soon. God bless you always dear!

Lynn Anderson said...

Thank you,anonymous at 2:43.