Where's Eric? Where's Obama? This sort of violence is happening all of the time. Violence is becoming the norm of the day. Has everyone become ignorant overnight? Albuquerque police want the perpetrators to come forward...fat chance of that. Our police can't profile and are getting hamstrung by liberals.
Looks like black guys beating up on a white guy again.
Hey Lynn, 5 people were shot and killed by a white guy in Philly today. Where is your outrage?
Oh, yes, it's only for black and brown people.
The Lake Worth town racist, you are. You know those people who wait on you and chat with you downtown? They're talking behind your back, Lynn. All of them.
Didn't know about 5 people shot by a white guy...were the victims black? Muslim? Didn't read about it, anonymous. There are just way too many murders in our country...can't keep up with all of them. It's difficult enough to keep up with the ones right here in LW. what are YOU doing about those?
And guess what, I could care less if anyone is talking about me--especially you who is so uninformed that you have to use the race card.
Don't worry Lynn. The people downtown are not saying you are a racist. That's just Freudian on your behalf. They are all still laughing about when you got called out at a city commission for being a psychopath.
Truly your finest hour.
The people in this city have enough brains to figure out who the bullies are. They have enough brains to figure out the person who can't understand a parody and wants to stifle this blogger. Most of us "get it." Sorry you are so full of yourself and consumed by hate. Get a life.
Piglet searching for lost father-fears he may have become bacon. Contact Piggy Fishbottom at 555-8459 with any info.
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