Monday, December 22, 2014

False attribution wins Evangelist $1 million suit

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Since dishonesty is inherent in politics, the only recourse we have is to vote the bums out when their lying, obfuscation, and double-dealing become too egregious. We saw a lot of that over the last year or two in Lake Worth where the citizenry was kept in the dark on some important issues or when the commission actually ignored the will of the people on the heights amendment or kept the facts from us on the general obligation bond.

As we head into this campaign cycle in Lake Worth, politics can get extremely nasty and testy. So, be careful out there. Of course, no one in Lake Worth would be able to afford a million dollar settlement for spurious phony comments.

Click here... to read the article and how David Barton, who earned his degree from Oral Roberts University and is an evangelical Christian minister, conservative activist, and author, won a legal suit even against an atheist.


Anonymous said...

Your comments on this remind me about why we need to throw the bums out and get rid of all this bureaucracy, one example in this city is the lie about the CRA, it is a huge waste of money. The CRA who is supposed to wipe out blight, does nothing or next to nothing. They should work to eliminate blight until they are obsolete and need to be abolished, but they do not want that, so they do very little to keep the CRA active and to give high salaries to employees, yet show very little progress. It is kind of like the pharmaceutical companies, they do not want to cure a disease, they make more money when they just keep people on drugs and maintain a disease. It is all a racket, the CRA is a racket and so it the pharmaceutical companies. It is all politics like you say, not truth, they never really do anything or want to abolish themselves or cure and eliminate something, there is no money in that. How very sad for our city and society. The Pope spoke about all of this idea recently about how the Vatican is run as well, the same problems there. How sad.

Anonymous said...

What is sad is the comments of the above coomenter at 2:22pm. Uninformed and a sheeple.....very sad

Lynn Anderson said...

Just a different point of view, anonymous at 5:30. There is a lot of truth in that statement at 2:22.

Anonymous said...

Why does that crazy loon Blackman continue to attack you? Should you sue?

Anonymous said...

The comment from 5:30PM must be from either the chair of the CRA (Cary) or CRA members or the paid admin of the CRA (Joan) or our weak elected officials. If the truth hurts then do something! How many years is this city going to continue to be so blighted and rundown and allow this CRA not to show real improvements and effectiveness?

They should make the needed improvements and then be abolished, but no, they do not want that, they want to be like big pharma and never cure the problem. Actions speak louder than words, like uninformed and sheeple my dear. Where do you live?

Why does the truth hurt? Politicians, go figure....

"Anonymous said...

What is sad is the comments of the above coomenter at 2:22pm. Uninformed and a sheeple.....very sad
December 22, 2014 at 5:30 PM
Lynn Anderson said...

Just a different point of view, anonymous at 5:30. There is a lot of truth in that statement at 2:22.
December 22, 2014 at 5:45 PM "

Anonymous said...

Thanks Lynn for always sharing the truth here on your blog. It is sad that wes like to knock you so much.

Lynn Anderson said...

Maybe the bully blogger needs a big hug?

Hugs and kisses said...

Well maybe you can give the bully a hug, give one to rice too, they both might need them. The truth about rice having so much blight at 1320 Lucerne Ave has been no lie either with his roof caving in. So did the city take over his property? It looks like they are getting ready to demolish it all? Wes can't save it with the Hist Pres. board? Oh, it on the wrong side of the track? Who will pay for the demolition of the rice property? Does he still own it? Will rice let the city and tax payers pay for removing his blight? What is the truth about all of this? Hope you can find out for us Lynn. You are good at finding out the truth for us. Big hug!