Friday, December 26, 2014

Post Christmas Thought--If you don't like the message, tune it out

Photo:  Shutterstock

Every year we have to put up with contentious battles over the separation of church and state when it should be all about joy and giving.

Atheists like Preston Smith come out of the woodwork and rock our little world by opposing nativities and other religious displays on public land or religious invocations at City Hall. Where do Americans really stand on the contentious Constitutional issue?

"A new Pew Research Center poll found that 44 percent of Americans believe that Christian symbols like nativity scenes should be permitted on government property — even if religious symbols representing other faiths aren’t present to balance them out."

Click here and read what the Blaze has to say--learn what the majority of people think from Rasmussen polling. We continue to cater to the minority and put up with their whining and blasphemy and all the BS that they spew regarding our beliefs and how ridiculous or unfair they are to their lifestyle or sensibilities.  If they want to be a standing joke at our city hall, so be it. No one's listening. And just like watching MSNBC, if you don't like what you are hearing, click to your comfort zone and leave the rest of us alone.

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