Wednesday, August 14, 2013

My Son is "sorry"

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We all saw the video and it sure looked like these three boys were out to kill this 13 year old on the bus. They kept punching, kicking and attacking, never letting up, while he was slumped over, defenseless.

The father of one of three black teens, said his son is “sorry” for taking part in the July beating that made national headlines.

“This is life. I am sorry what happened to the victim. It’s just the way it is. My son ain’t never been no bad person, he just got mixed [up] with bad people, that’s all … he’s sorry,” said the elder McKnight during an appearance in court Tuesday.

The State of Florida's Department of Justice is offering two punks PROBATION. The other one who helped beat the heck out of this 13 year old boy whose arm was broken in the attack also stole $5. We don't know what he is being offered.

Read more... at WND.

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