Sunday, August 11, 2013

Mess of the Week

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Finally got off of Wright Drive as there are so many "messes" in Lake Worth

This is a property we have  been looking at way too long.

This property is 721 and 723 2nd Avenue South, boarded up and abandoned.

It fits right in with the huge pot holes and the deplorable condition of this downtown street, an artery that many of us use.


Anonymous said...

Wow. Looks like the set of a horror movie!

Anonymous said...

Put a few goats in the yard. They will have it looking good in a couple days.

Anonymous said...

This is actually part of the downtown area that you have been insisting is "quaint".
Wrong again.

Lynn Anderson said...

but, but, but, isn't this your best commission ever that has allowed this slum and blight to continue? Kick them in the azz will ya? That's something you can do.

Anonymous said...

My neighbor was mentioning the big potholes on our street right by a big bike sharrow that the city painted on the street. The city has money to paint bike lanes and sharrows (which is totally a waste of money in that they are on low speed streets where such designations are not necessary and in fact increase risk b/c the put bikes closer to cars) but no money to fill in the pot holes.