Sunday, July 14, 2013

Al Sharpton makes "sharp" remarks and plays "race" card

Al Sharpton, one of the biggest racists around, says that Trayvon's family will pursue a civil case against George Zimmerman and he will be calling on the DOJ to reopen their case in order to conduct a fishing expedition to see if there are any civil rights violations.

The local police department believed Zimmerman had cause and allowed Zimmerman to walk until the "race" card was used by Sharpton and Jessee Jackson. According to the police chief of Sanford, Bill Lee,  The George Zimmerman investigation was hijacked "in a number of ways" by outside forces. The police chief testified Monday in Zimmerman's second-degree murder trial, and told CNN's George Howell in an exclusive interview that he felt pressure from city officials to arrest Zimmerman to placate the public rather than as a matter of justice.

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