Tuesday, June 5, 2012

World Economy falling down a cliff

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The window of opportunity offered by US recovery is slamming shut again. America’s dire jobs data for May - and the downward revision for April - confirm the fears of cycle specialists that the US economy has slipped below stall speed. America risks tanking back into recession as the "fiscal cliff" approaches late this year, unless the Fed comes to the rescue again soon. Read more...


Anonymous said...

I blame Maxwell and Obama

Anonymous said...

The world can't tighten it's belt any further, and every sane economist warned this would happen as a result of inadequate government spending the FIRST time around. Industry can't sell products if no one has money to buy them. No one has money to spend if industry lays them off. Government has no money to spend when industry and the public tighten their belts. Ugly and distasteful as it is, quantitative easing and mobile bond debt are the only solutions left to the G20 and they know it. Convincing political opponents world wide is the roadblock to recovery, slow and painful as it will be.

It's really not that complicated. Your money buys my stuff. My money buys your stuff. Our money pays to keep the lights on, traffic moving, and a semblence of social order. Welcome to the brave new world brought to you by unfettered economic deregulation. Get it now? There is no such thing as a truly FREE market. Extreme income inequality destroys productivity, not enhance it.

Interesting coincidence: The word security for this post is 1 systim.

Lynn Anderson said...

Who is this? George Soros?

Anonymous said...

I think this is the key idea and the problem with businesses and all organizations, the extreme inequality of pay is a real problem.

"Extreme income inequality destroys productivity, not enhance it."

Anonymous said...

"The world can't tighten it's belt anymore"-are you crazy? What belt?What tightening?The socialists in Greece and the other Nanny states don't know how to do anything other than suck off the teat of their Governments.They refuse to listen to the words"You are going to have to care for yourselves a tiny bit. We can't afford your pensions and lifelong craddle to grave lifestyles anymore".

Anonymous said...

Agreed, NO ONE needs to make over $100K a year, no one! All just way too inflated. Then we want to know why we have problems.

"I think this is the key idea and the problem with businesses and all organizations, the extreme inequality of pay is a real problem.

"Extreme income inequality destroys productivity, not enhance it.""

Lynn Anderson said...

Tell it to all the Unions. Tell it to all those union members who EXPECT the private sector to support them at 90% of their salary for life4when they retire. Put the blame where it belongs not on corporations that are creating jobs. I guess you believe that a moron should make the same amount of money as someone who actually produces?


Anonymous said...

Our politicians want the same types of benefits too, they are just as bad as the rest. Look what someone in the US senate or house of rep. get, their benefits are outrageous. It is all a huge waste and a drain on our system, all these entitlements start from the top, they like to enslave the poorest here too, good way to control votes.

"Tell it to all the Unions. Tell it to all those union members who EXPECT the private sector to support them at 90% of their salary for life4when they retire. Put the blame where it belongs not on corporations that are creating jobs. I guess you believe that a moron should make the same amount of money as someone who actually produces?


Anonymous said...

Sounds like what they do in Venezuela and many other countries. Our country likes to criticize Hugo Chavez, but the USA and its leaders is just as bad as them and many other countries.

"Our politicians want the same types of benefits too, they are just as bad as the rest. Look what someone in the US senate or house of rep. get, their benefits are outrageous. It is all a huge waste and a drain on our system, all these entitlements start from the top, they like to enslave the poorest here too, good way to control votes. "