Monday, June 4, 2012

Jeff Clemens filed for FL State Rep District 27

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This is an extremely effective campaign advertisement--at least it grabbed my attention and that's why I am sharing it here. I continue to hear from Jeff Clemens but as yet I have not heard from the other two candidates with campaign information. I met with Mack Bernard three weeks ago and we chatted over lunch at Toojays.

It's official - I'm in the race for State Senate, District 27. Today is the first day of qualifying for State Legislative races, and I didn't see any reason to wait -- so I put my paperwork in the mail.
You can track its progress to the Florida Division of Elections with the FedEx Tracking #800544677220.


A lot of people across the state are watching this race, and we're hearing of an independent poll taken last week that confirms what our own internal polls have shown: at this point, we have the lead!
While that may sound good, we still have a lot of work to do. Will you join me, and contribute to my campaign today? 

As I told supporters last week at my campaign kickoff, we are going up against big banks and insurance companies that will spend whatever it takes to defeat me. My campaign to fight for working families and the middle class begins, and ends, with your support.
Click here to donate to my campaign today?

Don't let Tallahassee special interest have its way. Let's go win this race!


Anonymous said...

Can't stand this rep. He was horrible as mayor and just as bad now as the state rep, He could care less to hear from his constituents, he only cares about himself and climbing the political ladder, he is a joke, a band singer using his clout to make money off tax payers. I won't be voting for this clown. I love Mack Bernard! He will win, not clemens!

Anonymous said...

Clemens is not an intellect like Mack Bernard, he will never have a chance against him.

Lynn Anderson said...

Mack Bernard called me for a meeting and Dennis Dorsey and I together met him. Dennis was totally impressed with him and so was I. What an amazing guy! He never once asked me for his help or even to vote for him. No pressure and a totally relaxed meeting. He is not your typical politician.

Anonymous said...

This is good to hear, we need politicians that will serve the people and not themselves, someone with some brains. I can't stand that clemens, he is nothing but a bozo!

"He is not your typical politician."

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Benard's support for mcvoy entered into the evaluation of ""He is not your typical politician."?
Is the incumbrant a republican?
What exactly are the borders of this District?

Anonymous said...

Jeff accomplished a lot as Mayor of Lake Worth. His hard work paved the way for Publix, a huge grant for the CRA that is paying off immensely, and much more. A HUGELY better job than Droutz! I also believe he's done a good job as our State Rep. He's new to Tallahassee and learning quickly on how to get things done. I will be giving him a chance in the Senate

Anonymous said...

I am sure you would like to jeff!

"Jeff accomplished a lot as Mayor of Lake Worth. His hard work paved the way for Publix, a huge grant for the CRA that is paying off immensely, and much more. A HUGELY better job than Droutz(sic)! I also believe he's done a good job as our State Rep. He's new to Tallahassee and learning quickly on how to get things done. I will be giving him a chance in the Senate"

Lynn Anderson said...

There is NO incumbent.
This is a brand new District.
Only Democrats are running.
You made that up about Bernard/ that sort of like the Mad Scientist flyer?
I posted a blog last week on the new borders.

Jeff accomplished nothing much. The CRA was a launching pad for his political ambitions. Anyone can give away millions. I wouldn't call that an accomplishment. What he is learning in Tallahassee is how to advance his career.

Anonymous said...

Jeff Clemens is the one,who coerced his Commission to stick Lake Worth Citizens with the most extortionately priced, electricity forced purchase from a slick energy resale Group,FMPA.He refused with his sleazes to terminate the FMPA Contract, to punish Lake Worth Citizens with the highest Utility rates in the County for an additional 3 years till Suzanne Mulvehill's heeding the economically suffering Citizens request,to vote for termination of the Jeff Clemens forced FMPA Contract after 5 years without penalty,3 years ago.
Vote for this selfserving primitive creature?Only suckers who enjoyed his economic punishment would!!!!

Anonymous said...

Remember Jeff Clemens selling our Central Downtown Parking lot to Evans,for $524,000,sabotaging Lake Avenue Commercial parking.
Then forcing us to replace lost parking, with 42 spaces,behind Paws on the Avenue, for $1,400,000,-!!!!!!See meeting records!
Hopefully no Lake Worth Citizens is so simple,
that they would vote to give that character any responsibility handling and receiving our money!!!

Anonymous said...

Clemens is not honest!

We had enough of that element, and the ignorance,lack of responsibility, arrogance that has
plagued our City.

The slick,devious element, doesn't know????? that there are vacancies and foreclosures in Lake Worth and ant to build more!We pay the infrastructure costs for all?
Lake Avenue revenue goes to CRA,not our General Fund!Which character considers this fact?Didn't even know, and is in charge!
This element is preparing Lake Worth gullibles off the cliff!
Buildinbg in this ecnomic climate, implies that heavy kickbacks are in the works.Watch them closely , people!

Anonymous said...

Former Mayor Marc Drautz's authority was usurped by 3 bully,buddies ill-mannered Commission members:
Nadine Burns who always talked over him,while he was making a point.This with gutter manners brought up creature continuous behaviour was joined by Lowe and Vespo,incomprehensible behaviour for a Banker, who professionally respects rank.Politics make strange beddfellows indeed!
This bully Commission trio grabbed the gavel out of Mayor Marc Drautz, who was present,able and of sound mind,(read our Charter about signatory powers of Municipal Contracts)and forced signing of the Greater Bay, 43 years illegal Beach Lease contract,in an effort to look important,initiated by Burns and confirmed by then V.M.Lowe.!
These simpletons did no due- diligence, or would have found out that that Co.could not produce proof of Funding and was burdened by 92 Judgments( as Bill Coakley researched their background) from other Towns!No Bank will finance a project, with such history!
Who else was present at this outrageous ill-mannered Burns,Lowe and Vespo signing of the Greater Bay , L.W.Charter violating 43 years Lease???Proof of funding was due in February 2007, within 90 days of introduction(November 2006),never able to submit, and no plans either.Was it a scam, to sell the 43 year lease of Beachfront land worth $20,000,000,-???Meeting records will substantiate all!!!!!

Anonymous said...

If Mac Bernard supports Dr. C. McVoy,
Christphers' rightful title,as he has a Phd.,
unlike the nothings and nobodies who deride Dr.McVoy!
This augurs well for our non-political, intellectual Candidate
Mac Bernard.
Thank you Lynn and Dennis for bringing him to the fore!
Finally a clean Candidate, with morals and brought up with sense of honor and manners!

Welcome Mac Bernard!

Citizens of Lake Worth,put out the slick,dim light Clemens.

Anonymous said...

Boy it sure looks like Dee has gotten word on how the GB lawsuit is going to go and it ain't looking good for Larry so she's also engaging in a little revisionist history.
I never cared for Jeff but if Mack Bernard in any way shape or form endorsed Dr. Mcoy I won't be voting for him as he shows a total lack of judgement.
And Lynn I believe Mack Bernard called you for a meeting as much as I believe your dad told a kid with a mohawk that he screwed a peacock and the mohawked kid was the result.

Lynn Anderson said...

Look, Lizzy, Parrot or whomever--If you don't know a spoof when you read one on the peacock, shame on you. Even a kindergarten kid would have gotten that one.
Next, Bernard did indeed call me. Call him and ask him. He doesn't even know McVoy. Do you believe every piece of crap ever written or just your own?
I posted your crap, Lizzy, to show that 1) you are totally one nasty piece of work and 2) you really need to get over your hateful disposition and obsession.

Is either a possibility? No. Then go see a doctor.

Anonymous said...

Judgment is spelled JUDGMENT. This sounds like the parrot to me--brainless wonder.

Anonymous said...

This guy must be a nut case. He does not like honest people? No wonder we are in the state of affairs that we are in. He has absolutely no judgment even to come in out of the rain.

Anonymous said...

Anon at June 5, 2012 1:03 PM, What was wrong with selling the parking lot to Evans? If it wasn't for the spurious Exline lawsuit we would have had a beautiful building there that enhances the downtown. Nothing tall just a beautiful two story building. How did Evans rip us tax payers off? By selling it for a loss? Hmmm . And the additional parking picked up for our future generations was a very smart move. But that wasn't all Jeff, that was a group that was forward thinking enough to actually plan ahead for future generations. Go ahead with your next revisionist, and/or conspiracy theory. LOL!!

Lynn Anderson said...

I am not even going to read the post to which you refer but I will say the following:
Everything was wrong with it.
1. It cost about $900,000 to replace that parking lot and build one somewhere else.
2. We paid Brian Murray $375,000 for one of those little houses in order to replace the Evan's lot. Clemens told Murray to give him a price for the property, any price.
3. It was a favor to a friend and cost the City tons of money. You see nothing wrong with that?
4. Clemens was Brandenburg's aide in Evan's owned building. He was the go-between to selling Old Bridge Park.
5. The Exline suit had something to do with violating our Charter.
6. During that period of time, the city tried to sell 3 different parcels: First Union Bank property, the Post office parking lot next to the Webber's, and the Evans parking lot. Can you even imagine selling off parking lots?
7. Take your "revisionist" crap somewhere else.