Sunday, June 3, 2012

ACORN still spewing corn

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Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch says, "Think ACORN is defunct and no longer able to exert its corrupt influence in the 2012 presidential election campaign? Think again. Splintered across the country, into dozens of difficult to track state organizations, the ACORN network is now working hand-in-hand with the Holder Department of Justice (DOJ) to register voters for Obama's "Food Stamp Army" to help him retain power in November."
Read about one of the ACORN offshoots here


Anonymous said...

I am so fed up with groups like this. Did any of you see the movies, Ides of March or Margin Call? This is all the same type of power, corruption, and greed that is going on in our government, big business, and groups like this, there is just too much of all this corruption, how can you believe any of them nor their motives anymore. I have lost faith is all.

Anonymous said...

lake worth is no different..what a difference it makes when you actually call out the folks who have been throwing our elections the past several years...look what happened last november...thanks God.

Lynn Anderson said...

Don't be thanking God for the Visionaries. God had nothing to do with electing the worst city commission ever. :)

Anonymous said...

Here we go again the WCE belongs to this commission. Also known as the Worst City Commission Ever.