Sunday, June 3, 2012

Lake Worth Tee Shirt Company

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Our long-term tenant at the Casino, Lake Worth Tee and Barry Freedman, submitted a proposed lease to the City weeks ago. I honestly thought it was being held up on purpose so that the real estate broker could find anyone else. It will now be on Tuesday night's agenda for consideration of the Commission.

If you recall, the last time he tried to lease in the new building he was kicked to the curb by the "visionary"--ended up getting royally screwed--bidding wars were taking place--Fox Surf stuck around to bad mouth him---then Fox ended up reneging on his agreement. It was one hell of a way to treat "family."

Now Barry is back trying to do it all over again after having been in our old Casino for 25 years.

B.F. Enterprises, Inc., under the trade name Lake Worth Tee Shirt Company, proposes to lease Units 5 and 6 of the Lake Worth Municipal Casino Building from the City of Lake Worth at initial rental rate of $35.00 per square foot per year for an initial 5 year term, with four 5 year options to renew.

Personally, I believe that $35 a square foot is way too high. This is not a restaurant where he can make lots of money off selling booze. The City should give him a Lease at no more than Kilwin's is paying. That would be fair--$25 a sq. ft. but certainly no more than $30, the amount that Fox Surf had agreed to pay for that space.


Anonymous said...

Speaking of keeping it in the family, isn't that Suzanne's personal attorney representing Barry?

Lynn Anderson said...

The broken record has returned. What a surprise.

Your point?

Anonymous said...

The Lake Worth Tee Shirt Co. gives an example of what our Lake Worth Casino building on Palm Beach Island Oceanfront commercial spaces are worth.This Palm Beach Oceanfront location is created at a cost of $6million plus an added unncessary site rehab of $2.5million.Romano rehabbed the site for $220,000,.- repaving of perfectly located parking psaces included, and potholcovered beachfront road.We had to badger him for 2 years before he did it.
The $8+million must be paid back.The City cannot afford to rent such prime location at commercial rates for inland on US441 location!I regret, fellow residents, we must face reality, when we owe $8+million for that revenue creating re-creation, which will
generates many millions only, if kept at a certain level, at par with surrounding Palm Beach Island Commercial rent levels!

Anonymous said...

Maybe they should allow them to be in the new casino then if they were there for 25 years before. NYPD Pizza too, but I never was a fan of their pizza. I just hope all the new businesses that go in are good and can attract the business to pay the rents, I just don't understand why Starbucks won't go up there, it would be a huge hit. Too bad they wouldn't put a Taco Bell there, that place would be packed!

Anonymous said...

The city should have had set rates to rent space and not taking unfair advantage of some people. It was a mess caused by the former assistant city mgr.

Sue Collins said...

Not only was he her divorce attorney but they are also listed on as partners in a business entity how quaint. I really hope they don't get it but unfortunately this city is run like a circus so they stand a good chance even after the insipid letter berrating Commissioner Maxwell and calling his mental acuity into question was simply unacceptable. Behavior you would expect from a 10 year old not an attorney. Then again being an attorney doesn't omit you from being one of the jerks around.

I remain,
S. Collins

Lynn Anderson said...

Attorneys represent their clients. I am sorry that you believe Mr. Connick is a "jerk." Actually he is a really outstanding person. It is too bad that you don't know him and that you have so much hate for Mulvehill that you can't see the forest for the trees. Why do you hate so much? Can't be too healthy.

Next, Mr. Connick is the registered agent for S. Muvehill's business. He is her attorney and all legal papers go to him on the business. I do not believe he is a partner.

Anonymous said...

Starbucks? coffee after being out in the hot sun. Just what one needs.

Anonymous said...

The city's beachfront HAS to make money.
It is prime real estate.
Doing financial favors for 'family' is unfortunately exactly what this city CANNOT afford.
Backdoor favors cannot continue to go on.
No matter how much we like the person or how long he's been in 'the family' of LW.
Business sense needs to rule the day at this point.
Not favor banks.

Lynn Anderson said...

No one suggested giving financial "favors" to Barry or to anyone else. Although, all those who had the right of first refusal were to get special consideration.

The suggestion was to get fair market rents and not have one person paying a lot more than someone else.

Is that FAIR in your mind?

TBT said...

Barry came to the City wanting to get into the Casino after Fox backed out. He agreed to the lease that is coming before the Commission. If Barry and his supporters want to complain about $35/sq foot, then he needs to walk away and not look back. No free lunch...........

Lynn Anderson said...

Let's get a couple of things straight--TBT

1. Barry was originally in the Casino. He had the right of First Refusal.
2. He backed out when it was obvious that he was not going to get a lease
3. He came back after Fox backed out at $30 a Sq. foot.
4. It was Barry that offered the $35 a s.f.
6. I am--for the shabby treatment from inception, not only to Barry but to others in this Casino.

DO YOU GET IT YET???????????

As far as no free lunch, tell that to your pal Maxwell.

Anonymous said...

And while you are at it tell it to Mulvehill who just gave a great 12 minute presentation in Germany.

Lynn Anderson said...

No--you tell it to the leader of the FREE LUNCH PACK--Scott Maxwell. He probably takes more trips than any commissioner up there--more lunches--more crapola. He voted for it. He always votes for it. They all do. It's time now that they knock it off.

Anonymous said...

You, really amaze me. Your support for West is legendary.But the rumor around town is Commissioner Maxwell,
is talking to him about an aides position.

Lynn Anderson said...

I really don't know why the TRUTH is so amazing.

Good for Scott. Just shows anyone can get one right!

Francis P. Hall said...

I just adore this sweet pure truth...And when it comes out - it's the best moment ever;) you know what I mean! Thanks a lot for sharing, awesome emotions after reading this issue!