Saturday, June 2, 2012

They Come to America

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It's a New World Order; it's socialism; it's Obama.


Anonymous said...

All a very sad and common story. We need laws and we need ALL to pay their fair share of taxes and do things in a legal way. We need law and order.

I would love to see us become the Americas like in Europe, The European Union, where all American countries unite and people can work and travel between the countries if you are part of the Americas, if there is work for you in any country great, you can do it, pay taxes and do it legally. I think it would make all of the countries in the Americas stronger and improve all of our economies.

I hate borders, God did not make them, man did, would love to see a world where we could move freely without visas and passports. I like God's laws better.

Anonymous said...

It is kind of ironic to think that birds and many other animals can roam and fly freely from one country to another without a visa or passport, yet we impose so many laws on humans. Wish I was a bird!

Anonymous said...

How can anyone say what God's plan is? This is our country, not the entire world's.

Lynn Anderson said...

The European Union that you mention is in a financial meltdown. Socialism does not work. Open borders do not work. Please consider what you said.

Anonymous said...

Your thought again is the same mentality of man for ages, we need to get away from this mentality. Man made borders, not God. The land belonged to the Indians/indigenous too many years ago until the white man arrived and killed them all and took it over.

"How can anyone say what God's plan is? This is our country, not the entire world's."

Anonymous said...

Borders and divisions do not work either, we need unity. The European Union works as well if not better than borders where people will find away to cross them anyways. I don't know what you want to call it, I am not supporting socialism, but unity for all. Maybe we need one currency for the world. One World under one God without borders and divisions. We all need to work together, we all need to help each other, we all need to live in this one world together.

"The European Union that you mention is in a financial meltdown. Socialism does not work. Open borders do not work. Please consider what you said."

Anonymous said...

The New World Order Theory. Dangerous. Look it up. That's what you are advocating.Everything was working just fine in the U.S. until all the socialists, Marxists, and crypto-communists became intent upon bringing the United States under a common world government--now promoting the United Nations.

Anonymous said...

Really, it was probably all just fine with the American Indians, Pueblo, Mohawks, Mayan,Aztecs Indian nations, etc. too were here, before the white man arrived and killed all the indigenous and made all these rules and laws and have all this greed and power for themselves. This is what ruined the Americas, when will we ever repent for the actions of our forefathers and recognize this land, the Americas was never the white mans to begin with, we have done hateful and evil things, Indians never believed in owning land even, the greed, corruption, and power controls of people from the past and today has only gotten worse, we think it is just are right to do what we want, abuse the rights of others, not assume responsibility, and take what is not ours. We all need to unite and work together under one World and one God.

"Everything was working just fine in the U.S. until all the socialists, Marxists, and crypto-communists became intent upon bringing the United States under a common world government--now promoting the United Nations."