Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Cowardly anonymous blogger

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You can rant and rave all that you want. You can call me every name in the book. I have heard it all before. You are nothing but a little coward...a pussy trying to feel like a big ole scary lion. If you want to sound off and rant at someone, look into the mirror and work on your deplorable personality. Have fun. Don't crack the mirror. 7 years bad luck. Better yet, go back to your coloring book and do something constructive.

And just to really get you going, click here and go back and read what the PB Post had to say.


Anonymous said...

Keep um thinkin

Stu said...

Somebody really hit a nerve. And who believes the Palm Beach Post is the ultimate "purrrr..veyor" of facts and truth?

Lynn Anderson said...

No, Stu--just a reminder to the political nut cases who try and post here.

Anonymous said...

The Post just highlights the fact that many people in this community did not agree with what this commission did.

Anonymous said...

That's a lion in your picture, not a tiger!

Sue said...

I just think you should disable the anonymous feature on your blog it would save a lot of frustration for you Lynn, just don't let people be anonymous, make them sign in to post here. Think about it. As far as the Post and blogs like this, all need to be taken with a grain of salt, all say things or post things and opinions that are their beliefs only not of all peoples. Plus not all newspapers or blogs will always post or publish what a reader sends in, so you know there is always bias or not open to all views, it happens in all media whether here, the Post, or any media outlet. If you make people sign their real name to things then you may be better off though. I guess everyone will have a different opinion to this and all things though.

Lynn Anderson said...

I decided to post this comment after deleting it--The author of it was personal even though I have asked over and over again not to be. I don't have to put up with sanctimonious people here no matter how nicely they express their negative opinion of me. This is opinion. Go to a more favorable blog that expresses yours.

You are quite right to stand up for what you believe in, but today you should try to understand that not all of your opinions require such a rigid posture. In fact, you might find that being just a little more flexible about how you perceive the world around you is going to be a lot more pleasant than demanding that everything fit into your carefully planned organizational chart. Some people and events simply can't be categorized -- nor should they be.

One thing here--I stand up for what I believe to be correct. I want to be lead by people who are moral and ethical with no self-serving reasons--people who are smart, who look past themselves and who are altruistic. All I see in this city are a bunch of mean-spirited individuals who hang out at city hall, who are highly disrespectful. I don't plan on fitting into your mold but rather I will continue to uphold my ideals. That's what this blog is all about. So, take your sermon where someone might really need it. Look at the back row at city hall.

Anonymous said...

A Lyin, ooops a lion, that's even better.