The problem is, there is no confidence and certainty in the fiscal vision emanating from Washington D.C. and hence revenues and receipts are down. We are not setting the conditions or creating an environment for economic and job growth. For all of you, that is what has to change, and that is where I am committed to seeing change and not the empty rhetorical doublespeak of 2008.
I suppose the President forgot that 47% of wage earning households in America do not pay federal income taxes.
In the area of foreign policy, the United States has officially recognized the Libyan rebels as the “legitimate” government of Libya. Now, I am just a simple fella from down South, but I recall a previous Democrat President recognizing a bunch of undefined ideological zealots called the Taliban…and we all see how that ended up!
The voices of the American people who want sound fiscal, taxation, and regulatory policy need to be heard this week. I am issuing a “call to action” – let the White House, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid hear how you feel. Are there REALLY 80% of Americans who want higher taxes?
I must confess, when I see anyone with an Obama 2012 bumper sticker, I recognize them as a threat to the gene pool."
".......I must confess, when I see anyone with an Obama 2012 bumper sticker, I recognize them as a threat to the gene pool."
My God, that's a true statement if I ever heard one.
Which gene pool are you referring to???? Alan West?
Go West! Obama 's policies are killing this country!Who would still want Obama after seeing THREE YEARS of horrible scewups? The newset bumper sticker for all those people suckered by Obama's lies should be-OBAMA,MY BAD,SORRY AMAERICA !
I LOVE black conservatives!! They are able to articulate in such a way that even the left wing Debbie Wasserman-Schultz can't come back and call him a racist. He understands the importance of individualism. He was given the opportunity to succeed and he took it. My highest respect goes out to Col. West and am proud he represents me in Congress.
Smoebody has to make the hard decisions with respect to the economy. Do you think a liberal democrat (Like DWS) is up to the job? It appears not.
Go get 'em Allen!
Do a little research- all West does is use right wing talking points like they were his own.
I LOVE black conservatives is a racist comment.
There was a republican congress and a conservative republican white house for 8 years. They raised the debt ceiling 7 times in those 8 years, while doubling the deficit. Those conservatives really made some hard decisions with respect to the economy.
Do you really think all the financial morass the country currently faces was created in 2 1/2 years? Really?
Obama in '12 and my gene pool is cleaner than your gene pool.
Wow!!!! Look at this.....
Cut, cap and blow up: West calls Wasserman Schultz ‘vile, unprofessional and despicable’
by George Bennett | July 19th, 2011
U.S. Rep. Allen West, R-Plantation, fired off an e-mail calling U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Weston, “the most vile, unprofessional and despicable member of the U.S. House of Representatives” after she criticized West without naming him on the House floor late this afternoon.
Wasserman finally got the kick in the azz she so richly deserves! Her attack on West was unprovoked,and untrue! Go West!Next time the be-otch tries to trow around lies about you ,shove your fist down her throat!!
Debbie did Washington and she doesn't know who in the heck she is messing with. It is about time that someone put her as well as others who have personally attacked him in their places. She doesn't play fair. Allen can beat her at her vile game. She's messing with the wrong person this time.
So that means you now "support" personal attacks? This whole thing was ugly from both sides but West could have handled himself better. Guess when its "your" person its ok....
Debbie attacked first. Democrats always forget their own dirty deeds.
Cerabino is now the left winged expert for the left winged newspaper he works for. Thanks for reminding me. West B*tch slapped Debbie. Love it.
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