~President Barack Obama
After a 10 year manhunt, Osama bin Laden, the worlds' most famous terrorist who had waged war on the United States, was killed by what was described as a "small team of Americans," in a 40 minute fight.
The body was "buried at sea" at an undisclosed location. In accordance with Islamic tradition, U.S. forces buried his body within 24 hours after death. The American people should have been given the chance to see his body. He didn't deserve any respect.
Bye, Bye Osama.
Do not be too quick to celebrate as we may have just started WWIII. This will not go unanswered in the Arab world.
Both the electrical and water infrastructure in this country is so vulnerable to attack that I will personally be surprised if we do not see some sort of concerted effort to bring the US to our knees via attacks on our 345kV interconnects and our water plants.
If there were ever one single act that screamed for LW to upgrade their power plant and to get their reverse osmosis plant on line, then the killing, and publication of the killing, of Bin Laden would be it. Forget about the second tie line, and the 13.2kV conversion, and spend the money on new generation as you will probably need it if our electrical and water infrastructure are attacked.
Sorry that I upset Katie (sp?). I to am happy that Bin Laden is dead. My only wish is that we had not been so stupid as to advertise it in such a public manner. Now, we have essentially declared war on the Muslim faithful and that will come at an enormous price.
As a combat veteran of many operations, I am not afraid to take the fight to the enemy. But, do we have do advertise that we are doing it?
I am grateful though that we declared war at this time and not three or four years down the road when our armed forces will be weaker. We stand a good chance of coming out on top now.
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