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The residents were given a script before the meeting began by PBSO advocates who want the Sheriff at any cost. To make up the $4.5 million shortfall was not a concern. A few over the past several days even have scoffed at the suggestion to give the City viable ideas to cut costs saying "that's your problem." Others signed a sheet that was passed around on Tuesday night. One resident's idea was to "sell our golf course," the most outrageous idea of all. Some compared the Sheriff to our former LWPD, suggesting having our own police department would once again, be inefficient and crime would escalate and gangs would reappear. It was a fantasy and most fell into the trap.
Those who objected so strongly the night before were not around last night to listen to the Police Study Report. That was not their interest. In their minds, the Sheriff is our savior and the only law enforcement professionals who can give us any feeling of safety. No other law enforcement entity can do it. The "perception" of safety is their only truth.
Chip Guthrie, local businessman, suggested that now the commission was "back-peddling" in saying that it liked the Sheriff and a man behind me thought that was a brilliant remark. Unfortunately most residents could not see through the strategy of our city manager...present a report where we could have our own Lake Worth Police Department for millions less so that the Sheriff would have more incentive to negotiate. Sheriff Ric Bradshaw has indicated that he will look at his budget.

Joe De Ladurantey of Willdan did say that the City would save millions by having its own police department, admitted that the Sheriff has done a great job but in the final analysis, it was the political will of the people that would determine the outcome.
Be prepared to pay more taxes and have negotiation headaches every year.
If the reason for the report was to force PBSO to renegotitate their contract why does it say on page 47 of the report "while the city has made a conscious decision to move forward with establishing the Lake Worth Police Department"? Are Stanton's negotiating skills limited to public threats and blackmail? The city needs better then that.
Maxwell clearly caught Stanton in a lie about her failed negotiations with PBSO. He obviously knew the dates she spoke with them and the info she presented was just not true. She was so flustered by his questions she was mumbling and fidgeting.
Your dedication to the city manager and your fiends on the commission should be commended but at some point you have to take off the glasses and see the truth?
Because I don't happen to agree with you, I don't know my azz from my elbow.
Susan Stanton speaks that way on EVERYTHING. It is her manner of speech. Maxwell did not get her flustered. In fact, when speaking with him, she maintains her professionalism all of the time. If it were I, I would want to crack him on the head a few times and take him down. Willdan did that for her.
The report is something the city can fall back on if the sheriff fails to bring down his costs. It was simply leverage.
A $40,000 expense from a "broke" city.
You forgot to mention--and to spend 3 MILLION DOLLARS MORE than having our own LWPD...for a "broke" city.
Lynn. Where was Stanton going to get the money for transition costs? It's about $6 mil.
Finance it. Duh.
If you flip this issue around and have Cara an Jo-Ann wanting the PBSO and Clemens and vespo wanting to keep LWPD and get new management, I can bet you anything that the Mary Lindsey's of the world and Scott Maxwell and that other drippy Maxwell would be strong supporters for LWPD. This is all crap and everyone knows it.
In response to anon at 2:44. You really don't get it! Living in a neighborhood that took a turn for the worst 5 0r 6 yrs ago, I think i'm somewhat of an expert on the difference between LWPD and PBSO services. First of all I've lived and owned a home here for over a decade. Prior to PBSO, I had many friends an neighbors who owned homes in my neighborhood. Around 2004 0r 5,there was an influx of undocumented people moving into our neighborhood. Overcrowding trash,gang activity, prostitution houses, public urination and drunkeness,stolen vehicles,muggings and home burglaries became so bad that the majority of homeowners left, seeing the writing on the wall. I personally have had at least 10 muggings near my home prior to PBSO coming here. We used to have drunk migrants passed out on our lawns, and urinating in our hedges at all hours. We would have cars stolen at night, and homes broken into while we worked. Those of us unable or unwilling to leave, we are the Scott Maxwells and Mary Lindseys trying to make our community safer for everyone. God bless all of us who are trying to save this City. And shame on you for not seeing the problems in other area's of the City that are in plain site. PBSO is keeping me safe, LWPD had their hands tied, because they were controlled by the City!
God bless all of you to TELL THE TRUTH but that is hard to grasp. All these crimes still exist. Illegals have moved on--no work here, so we don't see the public urination and that problem as we used to. Once the economy turns around, we will see it once again. This IS a Sanctuary City thanks to a few Socialists. Hopefully they have moved away and will stay away.
Prostitution, and all the rest that you mentioned still exist as well. I read about this and that sting on Dixie or somewhere all of the time. PBSO has been here for 3 years and we have plenty of crime. That will never be solved or stopped.
I have lived here off and on since the 50's so don't try and give someone a lecture that because you have lived here for 10 years you have a handle on what's going on. The LWPD used to be great. Management changed and it was not so great. This was during the time when we had plenty of money to operate our city and pi**ed it away. Politics started changing 11 years ago FOR THE WORSE I might add. The police chief should have been replaced. Why didn't you scream about that? We should have had a study before we went to PBSO because politics 3 years ago went beserk on many issues that cost us plenty and now look what has happened--sheriff services that we CAN NOT AFFORD and that doesn't bother you one bit. And the PBSO is political. They are lucky that they have Bradshaw in elected office.
The Gang Task Force was COUNTY WIDE, it was not just working in Lake Worth. Gangs would have been rounded up, prosecuted on RICO charges anyway whether we had PBSO or not.
I understand that everyone LOVES the Sheriff but just a little rationale here--please. Figure out how people will pay for this service and have to deal with the cost every year. It's insane really. We are a poor city and that is nothing new and continuing with an expensive service will just get the city deeper in debt and in a hole similar to the federal govt. It is one big sick joke on people who are scared out of their minds through political propaganda distributed by you.
As far as auto thefts, there was a period years ago that it occurred with frequency where I live. It stopped before the Sheriff came on board actually.
There are good and bad employees in any organization and the LWPD had some great officers. They are with the Sheriff now. It was bad management. That IS the truth.
Someone asked about transition costs above and where Stanton would come up with the money.
The transition cost is closer to $4 mil. Most of it would come from the savings that would be realized with a city department ($13.2 vs. $10.3) ... and the rest with leasing equipment instead of making cash payments ...(i.e. cars and equipment)
we still have to come up with the shortfall. How do we do that?
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