March 7, 2011
Lake Worth has rules of order, should focus on issues
It was humorous to read the story about how the Lake Worth City Commission will be considering a civility rule ("Lake Worth proposes conduct code after heated meetings.")
Commission meetings already are governed by Roberts Rules of Order. It spells out acceptable and unacceptable behavior.
The mayor must take a leadership role in enforcing rules and procedures. We are continuing to focus on doggy rules and civility at meetings, as our utility rates continue to climb, property values continue to drop and employee morale is at an all-time low.
The current city manager is aloof, and citizens are mad. We must focus on redevelopment and begin to rebuild the public's trust in government.
Lake Worth
**I agree with Tom's opinion on Civility. We do not need a separate policy. The Mayor controls the meeting and he knows this as he stated it publicly. I also agree that citizens are "mad." It is a normal state of affairs for one political faction in this City to stay mad and to stay ugly. It's all about control; it's politics. Tom should give solutions instead of complaining about high utility bills, low property values. I do NOT agree that the City Manager is aloof. She might not give one hot damn about your opinion, but she is highly engaged in this city. She was hired to make the tough calls and she is doing just that. She constantly reminds us that she "is not the enemy."
solutions, that's a good one. You know that Ramizzio just wants to bitch and have some kind of platform to run again and ruin our city even more.
Tom is now seen at every city commission meeting. He told me that he has the backing to run for Mayor of Lake Worth. He sits on the front row and is rather demure. You have to be seen if you want to run. And, as we all have learned, it is best not to comment on too much. That's what got some past candidates into trouble--commenting on issues for which they knew little.
Right. The economy of the world is crashing down around us and Tom wants to blame it on those in power in LW. Too much.
He's not going to run, is he? Rene, run again.
Can Tom please take a plunge in the grunge or whatever he used to call it (the polluted Intra-Coastal Waterway). I used to watch this event and it was a lot of fun.
Back in 1998, Ramiccio got very ill from that swim. This is what he said at the time:
It's a very good example of why people shouldn't be in the water" said the mayor, who is 36 and runs a retail business, Dixie Carpet. You're swimming in the largest toilet bowl in Palm Beach County."
What happened to Tom at the chamber? Can anyone expound? Is his law suite still in effect against Mulvehill?
I like the city manager. She is always friendly to me. If she appears "aloof" it is becasue she is busy.
What a hoot! Ramiccio is so ethically challenged that even the Chamber couldn't abide the stench and gave him the heave-ho.
Probably has the development industry backing him. And the neighborhood associations. A stellar bunch of supporters.
Good point. What do the neighborhood associations care about the 3rd world conditions of their neighborhoods?
It is unfair to say that the neighborhood associations back Tom Ramiccio or any other candidate. They may have their own personal opinions about candidates,but that is not brought up at meetings. The majority of the neighborhoods represented try to stay neutral on campaign issues.I love the description of Tom Ramiccio as "ethically challenged".I'm sure that people like Phil Spinelli,who really profited from his friend Tom's time in office would love to see their benefactor back in power.
Katie--love you to death but really--the Neighborhood Associations are extremely POLITICAL. Perhaps at the meetings of the Council that you have attended they have not shown their stripes.
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