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The City Administration recommends approval of the following recommendation as soon as possible:
1. Approve the proposed Work Force Reduction Plan and the May 10, 2011 implementation date
2. Approve the proposed operating hours for the Library and the use of volunteer’s staff
3. Approve the proposed Life Guard service reductions and beach staffing plan
4. Approve the solicitation of bids for contracting out the recommended public services operations
5. Approve the proposed Contract Service Implementation Time Line
6. Approve the proposed Voluntary Separation Plan
7. Approval staff efforts to request reductions in the FY 2012 PBSO law enforcement contract
8. Approve staff efforts to identify qualified firms to implement and establish special assessments for fire, street lights and possible parking operations
9. Approve the Feasibility Study to analyzing the reconstitution of a City fire department
10. Approve not paying the FY 2011 and FY 2012 Fire supplemental payments pending additional negotiation with Palm Beach County concerning the Fire Merger Agreement
11. Approve the proposed reduction in the FY 2012 electric utility transfer payment to the General Fund
12. Approve the proposed reduction in FY 2012 electric rates pending final discussions with the City’s rate consultant.
If the city is annexed by the county we would get police, fire, and everything else we need from our government. I am starting to wonder why we need a city government that cannot provide the basics because it has allowed it's property tax base to collapse, it's neighborhoods to be taken over by illegals and raised taxes and rates to the point that no one wants to buy here or live here. Cara Jennings was so worried about rising property values a few years ago and our social commission was out to save the world. Now the city is broke and no one has a clue how to fix it. Cara and her friend Golden are so happy because now everyone can live here and pay no taxes. This is what America is all about. Time to shut down the experiment and start over.
everyone can live here and pay no taxes.
Past commissions allowed the Unions to present anything they wanted and they agreed. All the generous benefits have now come back to bite the hands that have fed them. Property values have fallen all over the country. It's easy to put the blame on Cara Jennings and it's easy to cast blame on a good person when it really is all about inept and corrupt people of the past who were beholding to their political base and the Unions. Reach out to them for the solutions. They are to blame for where we are now--a sheriff's contract we can't afford, employees with their hands out wondering when their next day off is and everyone else putting the blame on one little girl who cared about people.
Can anyone get over that and move on and fix the problem? Susan Stanton is trying to do that very thing. That's why she was ired.
Your wrong Lynn. Our property values fell more than any other city. Our electric rates are higher for business than any other city in the entire state. The illgals flooded this city with Cara's blessing. Code was destroyed with Cara's blessing anf property values dropped faster than anywhere else in the county. We were moving up when Cara and her gang took over this government with your help. You can blame the unions all you want but the real issue is blight in most of our western neighborhoods. Houses selling for $30,000 pay no taxes. How do we support even basic services with no tax base. Cara could care less. She can survive on very little and grow her own food with her gang. Wake up and smell the coffee. We can even afford to bury someone in our cemetary. Maybe we can get volunteers to do it.
I love how you all twist blogs to a totally different topic.
With my help Cara Jennings was elected? How so? As I recall I gave a contribution to all 3 candidates who were running in that district and took a lot of heat about it. I never campaigned for nor did I pass out literature for Cara Jennings or any other candidate. She got elected with the help of everyone else.
One of the reasons why our property values have dropped more are the 25" lots. We are an old and tired city. With the building of our new casino and beach redevelopment, as well as the Snook Islands, bike trails, etc., there will be renewed interest in our City and all at the right time.
I am not going to continue on with this debate. It gets no where because you don't ever listen. You want to tell your own tale about it. Sort of reminds me of a commissioner.
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