----- Original Message -----
In talking with multiple Commissioners and mayors in various municipalities in Fl., my lawyers have made me sensitive to being classified as a "Conduit" with respect to the stated intentions of the elected officials with whom I am talking on various matters that will come before them to vote upon. I have been advised that I am in violation of the Fl. Sunshine Law if I transmit the intended vote from one elected official to another. I have been further advised to not transmit intended votes from a Volunteer Board member to an elected official if there is any chance that the elected official will vote in the future on the matter.
With respect to your post: I asked the CA to opine because I feared your post might be construed as such a violation of the "Conduit" classification and thereby "taint" any votes taken tonight. My thought was that if there was a problem, Elaine could address or at least mitigate it.
Elaine called me this morning and told me that she did not think there was a problem with your post as it was just an opinion and not a relating of a vote count. I went over my interpretation of the Sunshine law and my interpretation of your statement as not being construed as an opinion, but rather as a relating of a vote count. Elaine listened to everything I had to say and then reiterated her original opinion that the matter was not a problem.
While I take some satisfaction in Elaine's opinion that this is not a problem, you may want to get a copy of Tolces' research for the CRA on Blogs and the Sunshine Law. If we have learned nothing else, we know that a judge on any particular day will opine given his experiences and prejudices.
With respect to my to date unlisted post, you have attacked and ridiculed me on your public blog and I have answered by restricting myself to personal experiences and my understanding of current situations. If you are not familiar with Dennis' conduct and actions, I suggest you go over my unpublished post with him as you will not believe any explanation I give you anyway.
May your constructive efforts in the City be realized,
Note: This was not a privileged or confidential e-mail. This e-mail is worthy of review.
I have never known him to not have an opinion.
Jack Simons with an opinion? No, that can't be.
Oh, a real attorney gave an opinion. Jacks' not a lawyer? I could have sworn that he was. He goes on and on like one. Well, keep trying Jack. Maybe you can sue Lynn yet for having a different political opinion. Try Dennis next. Maybe Exline. Maybe Katie. Try and try and try. Get Greater Bay to chip in and help your cause. Maybe the Sunset owners- they probably don't like those people either for petitioning years ago to save their neighborhood.
Jack, explain the Pugh property and your friend not fulfilling the pool contract at the beach.
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