This reminds me of what happened Tuesday night at our own Commission Chambers when the CRA and friends were out in force to retain the power to spend, spend and spend. Those at City Hall were worked up and each speaker was a little more ugly than the one who preceded him, determined that an elected body that is responsible for taxpayer money would not ever get that chance. They carried a big stick and a big mouth. The Commission had to sit there in silence and finally capitulated.
How much higher do these liberals want our federal deficit to get? It's already at $14.3 TRILLION dollars with each man, woman and child owing about $43 K. Here in Lake Worth we will have a $4.5 million shortfall and unlike the federal government, we must balance our budget. So what does the CRA do? They give their Director another raise. Last year it was 10%. This year Chair Cary Sabol thought he recommended 5%...he was not sure. Why not? It's other people's money.
It was during Democrat Bill Clinton's term that the Budget became balanced thanks to George H.W. Bush who signed the appropriation Bills in 1990 and 1993 that brought the results. This past November voters said that they had enough of this run-away spending.
Candidates are lining up now for the next race with all the liberal rags denigrating West. Politics is sickening. Look where these bums have gotten us? Congress just voted to reduce the budget by $4 billion just to stay in business. It has a long way to go to cut $60 billion as promised. Liberal newspapers and Democrats would say, " that is just a nutty idea. "Give me the cash; we are entitled...just keep borrowing more from China."
Democrats have made freshman Republican U.S. Rep. Allen West one of their chief targets in 2012. He's just too conservative for them. He believes in fiscal responsibility for gosh sakes. "U.S. Rep. Steve Israel of New York, the chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, made a trip to Florida in February to meet potential candidates to take West on.
While only one Democratic candidate has filed to run against West -- dark horse Patrick Daniel -- Israel met with a number of political leaders who may be willing to take the Republican on in 2012. Israel met with both former state representative and current Palm Beach County Tax Collector Anne Gannon, as well as former U.S. Rep. Ron Klein whom West beat in November. He also expressed interest in speaking with Lois Frankel who led Democrats in the Florida House of Representatives and is now mayor of West Palm Beach. U.S. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi recently met with construction executive Patrick Murphy about launching a bid against West. There has also been talk that Rep. Joe Abruzzo of Wellington could jump into the primary."
Read more at Sunshine News
Wait! Clinton balanced the budget thanks to George Bush I,
but after 8 years of a republican/conservative controlled White House and 6 years of Republican controlled house and senate, TRILLIONS WASTED on 2 wars THE PEOPLE deemed unecessary and unwanted and tax breaks for the RICHEST, POWER GRABBERS in the country and now it's the democrats fault?
Great logic Lynn. Kind of like calling the elected buffoons we have the.... well you know the rest.
Just let West keep talking publicly. He'll eventually beat himself.
West tells the truth...sorry Dems just can't stand the heat.
The Dems don't know what to do with a guy that not only talks the talk, he walks the walk. They don't know how to deal with West, who is the real deal. An Honest politician. West is like a ray of sunshine on their vampire hides.West for President !
Numb nuts, she was talking about Bush, the father.
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