Friday, March 18, 2011

Allen West at Forum Club

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At Noon today, Rep. Allen West will appear before the Forum Club of the Palm Beaches. The meeting will be held at the Cohen Pavilion at the Kravis Center, 701 Okeechobee Blvd., West Palm Beach. It has been reported that the event is a sell-out with over 600 tickets sold @ $50 a ticket for non-members.

Retired Congressman, Clay Shaw, will be honored for his 25 years of service. Shaw represented the same district as does West.


Wes Blackman said...

Are you going? Perhaps you cant ouch the hem of his garments?

Lynn Anderson said...

Don't understand your comment nor would nearly 55% of the voters. He always looks great to me.

Anonymous said...

Allen west is an American and one who is approachable. Have you ever spoken to him, Wes? Have you heard him speak?

Anonymous said...

What the hell is Wes talking about?

Anonymous said...

Wes- being the king of sarcasm was making a joke. A very funny joke if you get it.
Lynn is obsessed with Alan West. The opportunity to touch the hem of his garment, as the peasants used to do with kings and queens in the old days, would make Lynn's day. Get it?
A paragraph to explain a 1 line joke.
Only in Lake Worth

Lynn Anderson said...

Wes, First of all I don't write about Allen West because of some obsession. I write about him to put him in a positive light whenever possible to counter-act all the left-winged liberal wackos out there who are out to destroy him.
AND THAT IS NOT A JOKE! If you get it.

Anonymous said...

You go, gal!

Anonymous said...

How dare those left wing wackos dare bring up the fact West was forced to resign from the army before he was courtmartialed for threatening to murder a prisoner and firing a gun over his head. He was also allowed to keep his GOVERNMENT pension by quitting. So now he's going to double dip by collecting a pension for life from the army and his pension for life even though he's only going to serve 2 years in congress.
What a great American!

Lynn Anderson said...

Not quite right but then you left wing Democrat Wackos NEVER get it right--:) You twist everything around where it becomes a believable lie.

The charges were ultimately referred to an Article 15 proceeding rather than court-martial, at which West was fined $5,000. LTC West accepted the judgment and retired with full benefits in the summer of 2004.

We are very lucky to have West as our Congressman.

Lynn Anderson said...

That's the trouble with you left winged Democrats--you do NOT listen. Allen West has explained this over, and over again. He won! Get over it.